Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Preview: 2024 Championship - December 6, 2024


How are we already in the last month of 2024???  Where did the thermal detonators time go??  December heralds the most important Duel of the year, though!  That's right - it's time for the 2024 CHAMPIONSHIP!  This Duel isn't a first-come, first-serve basis.  You have to earn your spot at the table by winning during the calendar year or being ranked high enough if you didn't.  And we have an exciting and dynamic range of Duelers this year, from grizzled veterans to up and coming padawans.  

The Championship is our World Series, Super Bowl, and Oscars all rolled into one!  And it goes down this Friday night!


2023 - Rob won with Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Eravana Cargo Hold
2022 - Evan won with Count Dooku in the Emperor's Throne Room
2021 - Rob won with Jango Fett in the Carbon Freezing Chamber
2020 - Ben H. won with Boba Fett in the Naboo Reactor Pit
2019 - Ian won with Darth Maul in the Emperor's Throne Room
2018 - Ben H. won with Jango Fett on the Kamino Platform
2017 - Austin won with Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Carbon Freezing Chamber
2016 - Curtis won with Mace Windu on the Kamino Platform
2015 - Nathan won with Count Dooku in the Carbon Freezing Chamber
2014 - Ryan won with Boba Fett on the Kamino Platform


Instead of random seating like normal Duels, the Championship features an intentional order of Duelers, with the top chair going to the best Dueler of the year headed into the Championship.  Let's see who has a chance for glory!

Chair #12 - Julia.  Nobody breathed a heavier sigh of relief than Julia's at last month's Thanksdueling!  Riley E. almost secured a spot in the Championship with a win, but her second place finish guaranteed Julia got the last chair.  Her best finish in 2024 was second place at the Valentine's Duel.

Chair #11 - Michael.  Michael would love to get back into the win column at the Championship.  He has four top-five finishes in 2024, including two second places.  His most recent was at the Doubleheaders back in August.  

Chair #10 - Curtis.  He's still going through a rough patch, as his winless streak is at three years now.  He did secure two top-four finishes in 2024 though, with his best performance at the Power Coupling bachelor's party Duel last Spring, where he finished third.

Chair #9 - Jordann.  Jordann is the only Dueler at the table who has yet to claim a career victory, but she has certainly come close and has been a mainstay this year.  She had five top-five finishes in 2024.  That includes her near miss in second place at the Imperial March.

Chair #8 - Jonah.  The 2024 Championship will mark Jonah's transition from rookie to veteran Dueler!  Though he's had several rough finishes in his early career, there's no taking away his win at the October Fight Night!

Chair #7 - Justin.  This rookie Dueler and first year CL has only played three times in 2024, but one of those Duels was his first place finish with Rey at Doubleheader #1!  That's just the kind of way to become a legend in this league.

Chair #6 -  Riley B.  The recently retired professional is still in the Waco area, so in addition to pinch-hitting for us a couple of times this year, he went ahead and won himself a chair at the Championship with his victory at game 2 of the Twin Sun Slam.

Chair #5 - Elliot.  He once held the record for most Duels played without a win, but Elliot shattered that stigma when he finally brought home the bacon at the Valentine's Duel!  He'll need to shake the rust loose for the Championship.

Chair #4 - Alex G.  Not since the career of our most recent Hall of Famer, Duncan, have we seen a Dueler reach two career wins so quickly!  Alex won his debut Duel at CL Training back in August, and just two games later scored his second victory at Doubleheader #2!  Could he also bring home the Championship in his first year of play?

Chair #3 - Grant.  After suffering a years-long winless streak of his own, Grant burst his losing streak in a big way with the ultra-rare back to back wins in 2024.  The first was at the Power Coupling, with his second at Duel of the Fates.  He's got a mess of top three finishes this year to boot.  He's scorching hot!

Chair #2 - Rob.  He is the defending winner of last year's Championship, his second time in his Dueling career he got to hold the Vader trophy.  He was no slouch in 2024 either, with wins at both the Twin Sun Slam and the Fall Brawl.

Chair #1 - Ian.  Nobody rang the victory bell more in 2024 than Ian!  He racked up three - YES THREE - wins in 2024.  He was atop the winner's podium at January's A New Hope, May the 4th Be With You, and again last month at Thanksdueling!  What a run!


Something else fun that we do for the Championship is uses characters who won Duels that year and not just randomly generated names.  Here are the 12 characters throwing down at the Championship!


None of these characters are slouches, and they'll all be in the Carbon Freezing Chamber this Friday night at 8PM!  Swing on by the North Village Fine Arts Studio to watch it all live!

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