Saturday, January 23, 2016

Card Appreciation Vol. 4

Before we get started, if we could have a moment of silence for our boy...

CARD:  Heroic Retreat

WHAT IT DOES:  Hits'n'runs!

WHY IT'S AWESOME:  Let's be honest, friends. When you pull the envelope containing Han Solo and Chewbacca during a 12-Way Duel, you know things are stacked against you.  It's a Force-user's world, and all you've got is a blaster and the minor character your eleven competitors want to kill first.  But you know what?  THAT'S JUST THE WAY HAN LIKES IT!!!  Unlike the Fetts, fellow shooters who can fly out of danger, Solo has to use his feet to escape.  Shooters work best when they can stay under the radar.  Moving around and gathering no moss is a strong strategy for a character like Han.  Hitting someone with five points of damage on your way out of town usually isn't enough to prompt a chase from a lightsaber, but it's enough to to leave a sting.  And with two of these in your hand you can stay nimble.  The other huge advantage to these cards is that you aren't burning defensive cards.  Han is weak sauce when it comes to defending himself, so even one and two point defense values are needed to survive.

BEST USED:  When you're flipping sides!  Thank your former alliance partners with five points of love and get the heck out of there.  Chances are they'll have bigger fish to fry.  Try to get a bit of raised terrain between you and your ex-mates for added protection.

WORST USED:  Up close and personal without using the five spaces of movement.  Point blank is not the way to go, hence the word "retreat" on the card.  Don't be a hero.  Shoot first.  (See what I did there!!!)

FINAL THOUGHTS:  Han has twice as many victories as the Emperor and Luke, so you've got a shot.  And these attack cards are key to survival and the win. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

A New Hope - January 9, 2016

Geonosis Arena

There was a cool chill in the air as the sun had set over North Village.  The warriors began to emerge at the Community Center, with visions of riches dancing in their heads.  Of course, that was just the hopes of winning the Power Ball. Alas, for eleven combatants, winning the Power Ball was just as likely as conquering the Duel! Was that a dramatic enough introductory paragraph for you???

Nathan had the honors of picking our game board as the previous victor of the 2015 Championship.  We were once again back on Geonosis.  Rob screwed up his own protocols by having Nathan pick the first character too, despite the fact Daniel had drawn the #1 chair.  My bad!  Grant (Emperor) got his same character from the previous Duel, as did Chris (Obi-Wan) from his last two Duels!  But even more ridiculous was Rob picking Darth Vader for the second game in a row and seventh time in 21 Duels!

The cards were shuffled (or randomly displaced in six piles and then regathered) and we were off. Ryan (Luke) used his favorite Geonosis move, "The Cohenour Run," with the Skywalkers, shooting JD's Anakin as they escaped the columns for the dark side of the board.  JD used the same strategy, taking a shot at Yoda as Anakin "Wrathed" over to Leia and Luke as paybacks.  Ryan and JD held a tenuous no-conflict pact after that.  Rob followed JD's defection with a double "Throw Debris" at Nathan's Yoda.  Grant's Emperor followed suit and Christian's Han picked off his former alliance partner to put Nathan out first, a steep fall from two first place finishes and only the second time Yoda has ever finished last (Sakina in the 2014 Championship, #neverforget).

Chris Kuhl, personal avatar for Obi-Wan Kenobi, tapped into his military strategy strengths and suggested the light side advance to the dark side to better their odds of survival.  Rob got nervous that Stevie's Boba Fett was going to thermal detonate the dark side and rallied an attack with Ian/Maul and Daniel/Dooku to oust poor Stevie in eleventh.  Not long after that Ian made the surprise move of turning on Dooku, and played numerous "Sith Speeds" to send Daniel home in a shocking tenth place finish.

Christian and the Agony of Defeat
With Boba and Dooku off the board, the dark side alliance once again focused their attentions on the light.  A battery of dark side shooters had infiltrated the opposite end of the board, and a Royal Guard finished off Han/Christian for ninth.  David P. got caught unprotected by the columns with his Mace Windu.  Despite a valiant defense, he eventually fell to a Padme blaster shot and had to settle for eighth place.

With that, the strong alliance of six had only one target left, Chris' Obi-Wan, but General Kenobi was strongly fortified behind the columns and had wreaked his typical havoc of forcing everyone to discard and draw three and moving folks around the board.  Knowing it would take time to whittle him down, the alliance began to turn on each other.  Rob botched this social discussion, though, and nearly cost himself a shot at winning.  Instead of proposing to off the Emperor, he clumsily started a debate on who to kill next, Ryan/Luke or Ian/Maul.  Ryan held everyone's fate in his hands, but decided on playing the "I Will Not Fight You" on Ian.  It took a couple of rounds, but Curtis' Zam put the finishing shot on the Sith Apprentice and Ian bowed out in seventh.  Rob, seething at his own incompetence, played the "All Too Easy" on Ryan, who had loyally played another "I Will Not Fight You" on Chris' Obi-Wan.  He couldn't defend himself, so he had to eat the 20-point attack from the evil Vader.

Right before the end of Grant's Emperor...
Curtis/Jango and Rob/Vader began to surround an unsuspecting Grant as JD's Anakin finally took down Chris in fifth place.  It cannot be emphasized enough how well Chris played in this Duel!  He used every Obi-Wan trick to perfection and survived a long time against impossible odds.  Meanwhile, Rob played the "Your Skills Are Not Complete" on Emperor Palpatine, dumping his numerous special cards.  Vader eventually struck Grant down in fourth, which was the second time in a row for Grant/Palpatine and continues Grant's strong run of Duels as of late.

That left three:  Vader, Jango, and Anakin.  JD was looking for a partner, but Rob shared that he and Curtis had aligned from the start.  They began their attack on JD, knocking him down a number of health points.  After that, though, Curtis had a long string of picking Zam cards.  That made Rob paranoid and nervous that he was holding back to better attack Vader in the final two, so Rob shifted and began Throwing Debris and Wrathing Jango!  In the chaos JD began healing himself as Jango slowly died.  With Rob's weakened Vader, unable to heal because nobody would kill his last Storm Trooper, JD chased him around the columns and finally clobbered him for the victory!

Little Orphan Ani Wins!
Congrats to JD!  This is his second victory, and his first since the Birthday Bash in August.  It also marks the first ever win for Anakin!

Final order of finish:

12.  Nathan/Yoda
11.  Stevie/Boba
10.  Daniel/Dooku
9.  Christian/Han
8.  David P./Mace
7.  Ian/Maul
6.  Ryan/Luke
5.  Chris/Obi-Wan
4.  Grant/Emperor
3.  Curtis/Jango
2.  Rob/Vader
1.  JD/Anakin

Friday, January 8, 2016

Preview: A New Hope - January 9, 2016

As the email invitation stated...a new year, a new movie, a new duel...A NEW HOPE!  That's right folks, the January Duel is upon us.

HISTORY:  Last year's New Hope duel was a contentious one, with Rob and Alex forming a tight alliance that carried Mace and Luke to the final two, with Rob's Mace winning.  It's also the Duel when Curtis made his infamous pact with Alex and Rob that Rob, through verbal technicality, didn't actually agree to!

LINEUP:  It's a new year, so let's look at our twelve Duelers and see what their Epic resolutions are...

Chris - win a 12 way Duel!  The veteran is past due.

Christian - reach professional status!  He'll only need one more Duel after this one.

Curtis - win the summer Singles Tournament!  After sweeping the first round last summer, he didn't make it to the final match.

Daniel - finish in the top three!  Daniel is steadily improving his ranking and average finish, but he hasn't placed higher than fourth...yet.

David P - keep his upward trajectory!  He only has two Duels under his belt, but they are a sixth and third place finish respectively.

Grant - continue his hot streak!  Grant hasn't finished below fifth place in his last five Duels.

Ian - win a 12 way Duel!  It eats him up inside...he wants that first place finish!

JD - stop picking shooters!  He's had both Fetts and Han in his last three Duels.

Nathan - make it three in a row!  There's no better Dueler right now than Nathan, who has won the last two Duels, including the 2015 Championship!

Rob - recapture his magic!  After winning the Fall Brawl, it's been two ugly last place finishes and an uninspiring seventh spot in the Championship.

Ryan - hold onto #1!  Ryan lost the top ranking for a short time in 2015, but is firmly back on top again rolling into 2016.

Stevie - harness his powers!  Few are as passionate a Stevie while playing the game, but can he use his emotions more constructively???

A New Hope has the makings of a spectacular match!!!


Ok, who cares who these two think are going to win.  We've all seen The Force Awakens!  Obi-Wan, we demand answers, are you related to Rey?!?!?!

"The Duelers should pick me.  I have the high ground,
I'm going to win this Duel."

"What I've told you is true...from a certain point of view."
A certain point of...?  WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???  ARGH....

Oh well, I guess we'll have to wait for Episode VIII...