Sunday, August 29, 2021

Doubleheader #2 - August 28th, 2021


Ewok Village

We got the first Duel done in under 4 hours - yay us!  After a brief break to stuff our faces with Tacos and set up the new board, we were ready.  For game 2 we were in Ewok Village, probably the prettiest board we play on and a lasting testament to the design stylings of Ryan.  We miss you Ryan!

Nine of these fools decided to play twice!

Ewok Village is a tricky board because of its odd design and starting points.  It doesn't favor the typical 6v6 pattern.  Nonetheless, early in the game it looked like the dark side would try to stay united.  However, Ian's Lobot was on the big bridge and positioned himself to Disarm four cards each from JD's Kylo Ren and Karson's Darth Vader!  Not long after Karson saw the light and flipped sides.  JD, still glowing from his game 1 victory but now threatened with a last place finish, attacked Vader.  He played his 12 attack - I Know What I Have To Do - on Karson...who didn't defend!!!  OUCH!!!  

Meanwhile, Grant D.'s Jyn/Cassian, Kat's lil' Leia, Evan's Mando, and Lando were peppering the dark side with shots and they weren't coping with it well.  Elliot's Jango Rocket Retreated to stand by Grant H.'s Moff Gideon...who promptly attacked him!  Jango didn't last long, and Elliot ended a frustrating day in last place.

JD had run down to the bridge, hoping to curry favor with the light side as he was bleeding health points.  That's when Rylie's Dark Trooper threw not one but TWO grenades!!!  Those did a lot of damage, but it hurt an already wounded Kylo the most.  Evan's Cara Dune used Heavy Weapon to knock him out in 11th.  It's always tough to win the first game of a Doubleheader, the target is immediately on you!

Rylie's use of the Grenades was slick, but she had taken damage from two Camouflage attacks from Rob's Big Leia.  The rest of the bridge shooters whittled her down, and Big Leia got the kill shot, allowing Rylie to play her farming game for the rest of the night.

Feed Maul or Else

Ben's Darth Maul started the game in the back corner, and by this point he was fully carded and ready for revenge on Karson for flipping.  He used an Athletic Surge to kill a Storm Trooper and move in on Vader.  Karson never recovered from the Kylo 12 attack, and Maul deep-sixed him in 9th place.  

Kat's Luke and Leia were fully carded on the other end of the board, and she took the opportunity to fire a shot at Ian's Lando, who was near Maul and Grant H.'s Gideon.  Ian used a defense card that allowed him to switch places with another Dueler, and he was going to do it on Kat's Luke when Ben mentioned he'd prefer Rob's Leia.  This was probably because Wicket the Ewok had used Whirling Rocks to put 4 points of damage on Maul, which was hilarious no matter how grumpy Ben was about it.  Ian agreed and Rob went from great standing within his alliance to alone against Maul and Gideon.  Maul and Leia did battle, with Leia using an I Know defense and Covert Operation to put auto damage on Maul.  Grant H. decided, however, to kill Ben instead of Rob, so Maul was gone in 8th.

Rising Phoenix nesting in the trees.

Ian was really grumpy Rob had survived, so he started going after Leia with renewed purpose.  He couldn't get the kill shot, though.  Rob assured the rest of the light side his only purpose in the game was to take down Lando, but Kat couldn't pass up the easy kill, so Rob came to a halt in 7th.

Evan, playing the Mandalorian, kind of took over the game at this point.  He played the brutal Disintegration on an unsuspecting Grant H., and just like the card implies, Gideon disappeared in sixth!  That's a career best finish for both the character and Grant, though! 

When you get the character of the guy
on your shirt.

Ian/Lando tried very hard to align with anyone who would take him, but it was fairly obvious he was unwanted.  It would be Mando again rising to the occasion (get it!?!?) with Rising Phoenix.  While flying among the treetops he attacked Lando and then played Whistling Birds on everyone else...and that's how Lando died!  A beskar spike to the head.  Brutal!

This brought things to the final four.  It looked like the team would go after Curtis' Anakin, who had been laying low for most of the game.  However, he was fairly isolated from the others, and he managed to put damage on Evan's Mando.  In a surprising move, Kat's lil' Leia killed The Mandalorian in 4th!  What a great run for Evan, though.  He finished tied for 5th in the first game and in 4th for his second.

Three-way tension.

With three to go it looked like Grant's Jyn and Kat's Luke would work together to knock out Curtis' Anakin.  However, Curtis got into Kat's head by commenting on how healthy Jyn and Cassian were and how hard it would be to defend against two shooters.  There was a lot of chaotic attacks between the three of them.  Eventually, though, Grant and Kat were pretty banged up while Anakin was still on his first row of health.  Rather than work together, though, Kat went for a bold strategy.  She eliminated Jyn with a Justice and then dropped I Will Not Fight You.  Curtis had the health advantage but Kat was banking on luck of the draw.  They ran around the board quite a bit, but a patient Curtis somehow pulled out the victory!!!  It was a notable victory for several reasons, too.  Not only did Curtis become the second Dueler in league history with double-digit wins, but he also became the first person to win with all six original light side characters!!!  And it was his 4th win in his last SIX games!!!!  That's insane!  Let's tip our caps to Kat too - her second place finish with Luke was a career best finish!

The final order of finish:

12.  Elliot/Jango Fett
11.  JD M./Kylo Ren
10.  Rylie/Orson Krennic
9.  Karson/Darth Vader
8.  Ben/Darth Maul
7.  Rob/Princess Leia
6.  Grant H./Moff Gideon
5.  Ian/Lando Calrissian
4.  Evan/The Mandalorian
3.  Grant D./Jyn Erso
2.  Kat/Luke Skywalker
1.  Curtis/Anakin Skywalker

That was a great night of Dueling!  And there were only 2 tacos left from an order of 50!  Next month's Duel - THE FALL BRAWL - will likely take place on September 18th.  More info to come!

Doubleheader #1 - August 28th, 2021


Trash Compactor

After a couple of hiccups leading up to the Doubleheader (the round table we ordered wasn't delivered and we had a couple of late Dueler switches), it was a welcome relief when all 12 Duelers were able to sit around the square table to take in the frightening glory of the Trash Compactor.  Not only do the walls close every time three main characters die, there's also the dianoga, who randomly swims under the surface to pull people down for two points of damage!

Let the games begin!

Out of the gate it looked like it would be the six light side characters versus the six dark side characters.  There were some real heavy hitters on both teams.  The dianoga did some early damage to Yoda and Boba Fett, while the minor characters began peppering the opposite sides of the board.  The first major move was when Ian, playing as Supreme Leader Snoke (which he joked was appropriate considering how many of his CLs were playing), decided to use Tied To A String.  The debate was whether to bring Rob's Mace or Grant H.'s Qui-Gon.  Rob got pressured into aligning with the dark side at the expense of Grant getting pulled into a kill box.  But Ben's Obi-Wan Kenobi saved the day with a Force Control.  His post-attack movement disrupted the dark side and freed Qui-Gon.  Rob immediately went back on his word and stayed loyal to the light side.

A lot of damage was exchanged throughout this early stage, but it would be poor Qui-Gon who fall first.  At least Jar Jar dropped the Booma Bombad on the dark side before he departed!  Grant H. was bummed.  Qui-Gon has finished last in three of his four Duels!

The tide broke in favor of the light side when brand new Dueler Jared used his Thermal against the dark side and Rocket Retreated with Boba to the light.  Riley's Chewbacca also blasted Grant D.'s Beckett with the Bowcaster.  Grant exacted revenge, though, when Val used the Grappling Gun and It's Been A Ride Babe card to do major damage on Boba and Han.  The light side was eager to close the walls to possibly catch Duncan's Emperor off-guard, so Ben eliminated the wounded Boba in 11th, much to Jared's surprise.  Welcome to Dueling, Jared!  

Elliot's Dooku was super grumpy at that point, and he moved forward in an effort to help protect the Emperor and Beckett.  But his loyalty proved to be his downfall when the light side went after him.  Rob's Mace got the kill shot to move the walls in.  Unfortunately for Grant's Beckett, he was displaced on the back line and got smashed to death in 9th!

Future Pancakes

At this point Riley's Han Solo was in bad shape post-Val's explosion, and Duncan's Emperor was low carded and vulnerable.  Rob's Mace moved in to attack Emperor, but the devious Ian hatched a plan.  He suggested to Curtis that they work together to Force Push/Force Lightning Rob's Mace and Evan's Rey to the back row, and then kill Emperor and Han to squish Mace and Rey before they could move.  And that's just what they did!  Han got leveled by Yoda's Force Strike in 8th, and JD's Grievous used Cruelest Stroke to eliminate Duncan in 7th.  As a result...Evan/Rey and Rob/Mace tied for 5th, crushed by the walls!

Ben and Ian trying to make it to the center row.

Those two auto-kills put Curtis/Yoda and JD/Grievous in the driver's seat, as they were now overtly working together against Ben/Obi and Ian/Snoke.  They concentrated their efforts on Obi, much to Ben and Ian's chagrin.  They tried to convince JD his Grievous had no chance against Yoda at the end.  But JD was confident, and his Whirling Arms killed Old Ben in 4th.  That shut the walls AGAIN...killing Ian's Snoke!

Snack time for the dianoga!

Curtis' Yoda was stacked, holding his three best defense cards as well as a Lift or two.  But two key things happened next, with only four spaces left on the board.  First, JD played Reinforcements, which trapped Yoda and buffered him from Grievous.  Second...the dianoga went to town on Yoda!  For four straight rounds he dragged Yoda under the water for two points of damage!!!  Curtis was livid and convinced the random number generator was broken (it wasn't).  The dianoga eventually hit Grievous a couple of times too.  Yoda and Grievous went back and forth, but JD was able to dump the big defense cards, and he eventually caught Curtis without defense.  He attacked twice...and won!!!  JD, playing in only his second Duel, and following up a 3rd place debut...WON!!!  He's also the first player to win with General Grievous.  Most importantly, he could finally eat tacos.  (Rob ordered tacos for everyone, but you weren't allowed to eat them until you died or the game was over - to speed things up!)

Let's check that final order of finish one more time!

12.  Grant H./Qui-Gon Jinn
11.  Jared/Boba Fett
10.  Elliot/Count Dooku
9.  Grant D./Beckett
8.  Riley/Han Solo
7.  Duncan/Emperor Palpatine
T5.  Rob/Mace Windu
T5.  Evan/Rey
4.  Ben/Obi-Wan Kenobi
3.  Ian/Supreme Leader Snoke
2.  Curtis/Yoda
1.  JD M./General Grievous

Well done everyone!  But this was only the FIRST Duel of the night....onto game 2!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Preview: The Doubleheader - August 28th, 2021

Oh baby, there's electricity in the air, and I'm not just talking about Emperor Palpatine's or Supreme Leader Snoke's Force Lightning!  The school year is off and running, and that means Dueling is back in action too!  This Saturday we play our EIGHTH annual DOUBLHEADER.  You read that correctly, we're playing twice in one day!  The only thing better than Dueling is DUELING TWICE.  That's science.

And did I mention the response for the invite?  Both games were filled within a few hours of the email and we've got five folks on the waitlist for each match!  Dueling has never been more popular.  We're all part of the Dueling renaissance, friends.  I'm just going to take a moment to stop typing so I can cry silently, tears of joy streaming down my face.
Ok, thank you for that moment!  We also announced in the email Saturday's two Duels will take place on the Trash Compactor board and in Ewok Village!  These two boards were introduced last year and they're already instant classics.  Retired Hall of Famer Kaleb killed nine people with a single Flamethrower the last time we played the Trash Compactor.  Who knows what will happen this time!?  Let's take a quick peak at the previous winners of the Doubleheader...


2020 Game #1 - Stephen won with Darth Vader in the Geonosis Arena
2020 Game #2 - Ben won with Anakin Skywalker on the Kamino Platform

2019 Game #1 - Alex C. and Yoda won on the Kamino Platform
2019 Game #2 - Rob and Emperor Palpatine won in the Emperor's Throne Room

2018 Game #1 - Alex C. and Darth Vader won in the Emperor's Throne Room
2018 Game #2 - Joel and Darth Maul won on the Kamino Platform

2017 Game #1 - Rob and Jango Fett won on the Kamino Platform
2017 Game #2 - Nathan and Jango Fett won in the Emperor's Throne Room

2016 Game #1 - Grant and Count Dooku won on the Kamino Platform
2016 Game #2 - Stephen and Jango Fett won in the Emperor's Throne Room

2015 Game #1 - Ryan and Jango Fett won in the Geonosis Arena
2015 Game #2 - Grant and Yoda won in the Emperor's Throne Room

2014 Game #1 - Alex R. and Darth Maul won on the Kamino Platform
2014 Game #2 - Curtis and Yoda won in the Geonisis Arena

Let's see who plans on going into battle on Saturday!

Andrew K. - playing Duel #1 - rookie Dueler alert!  Andrew caught Dueling fever by the end of training, and now he debuts on a board that shrinks as characters are eliminated.  Welcome to the crucible!

Ben - playing Duel #1 & #2 - Ben currently holds one of the travelling Fett trophies, having won last year's second game with Anakin.  He'd love to end the day with it still in his possession.  This also marks his first live game since before COVID.

Corona - playing Duel #2 - Corona played in the side game at CL Training, so he's clearly loving that Dueling life.  This game will mark his "official" debut in the league.  Welcome aboard!

Curtis - playing Duel #1 & #2 - nobody can touch Curtis' Dueling success over the past calendar year.  He has three wins in 2021, including the toughest Duel ever played, The Centurion!  He even made a deep run in the Singles Tournament in July.

Duncan - playing Duel #1 - the back to back kid would love to get his hands on one of the Fett trophies, especially since his two current trophies are up for grabs this Fall.  Duncan's glad not to be in the Ewok Village game after a couple of rough finishes on the forest moon of Endor.

Elliot - playing Duel #1 & #2 - we're pumped that Elliot is still playing with us after accepting a resident chaplain role after graduation!  This seasoned veteran is still looking for his first career victory, and now he's got two more shots at it!

Evan - playing Duel #1 & #2 - Evan made his debut at the CL Training Duel a couple of weeks ago, and held his own with Darth Vader despite a couple of dark side characters flipping to the light.  He'll try to improve upon his 9th place finish at the Doubleheader.

Grant D. - playing Duel #1 & #2 - I can't believe this is even true, but we're now at 3+ years since Grant has secured a victory.  Before you go and feel sorry for him, know that he's still reveling in his 2021 Singles Tournament victory, where he not only won with the Emperor (!!!), but he saw his daughter join him in the final four!

Grant H. - playing in Duel #1 & #2 - Grant also made his debut at the CL Training battle, and he was having a good time until his Lando Calrissian got Force Pushed into a kill box for an 8th place finish.  He's looking for better success this go-round.

Ian M. - playing in Duel #2 - Ian M. played in the side game at the CL Retreat, and he was pretty excited by the experience so now he's at the big-kids table, ready to make his mark in the league.

Ian P. - playing in Duel #1 & #2 - let's all hope Ian doesn't get Yoda at the Doubleheader.  He's had Yoda twice in 2021, and won both times!  First at The Imperial March, and then again at CL Training.  Who knew an aggressive Dueler like Ian would become a defense-first fan???

Jared G. - playing in Duel #1 - the word on the street is that North Village is the new hotbed for rookie Duelers, and Jared is happy to fan those flames.  The Doubleheader will mark his league debut.

JD M. - playing in Duel #1 & #2 - it takes a special Dueler to finish in 3rd place the very first time they play, and that's just what JD pulled off at CL Training!  The NV RC used equal parts humor and aggression to play deep into the night, and now he's back for both games on Saturday.

Karson - playing Duel #2 - one of our favorite league pinch-hitters is back at it.  He last played in the Twin Sun Slam in June, which coincidentally, was on the same board he'll play on again this Saturday (Ewok Village)

Rob - playing Duel #1 & #2 - post-COVID we've played two games face to face, and in those games, Rob has finished first (Twin Sun Slam) and second (CL Training).  Needless to say, the league commissioner is happy to keep online play in the rearview mirror.


If you're new to the Dueling league, we always have these preview posts before a Duel, and every year a different "character" predicts who will win the Duel for that month.  Past prognosticators have included Jar Jar & Obi-Wan, Pez Vader, Remote Control BB-8, Magnetic Lego Admiral Ackbar, Trey-Rey, The Star Wars Poster Book, and probably others we're forgetting.  Please know none of these guest pickers have ever been very successful, though last year's Poster Book picks were pretty decent at being correct.

Well, it's time to meet our Season 8 soothsayer, give a warm welcome for...Monopoly!!!

Aw shucks, howdy boys and girls!!!  Thanks for taking
a CHANCE on me!

Oh lord, it looks like your schtick will be Monopoly puns.  That's going to get old REAL quick.  That being said, though, who better to predict a board game outcome than a fellow board game?  Monopoly, we're playing two games this weekend, one in the Trash Compactor and the other on the Ewok Village board.  Who do you think will win?

Oh golly!  I love the trees and foliage on that board!
It reminds me of...MARVIN GARDENS!

Monopoly...I already hate you.  Enough with the terrible, terrible jokes.  We need you to pick a winner for each game.  Keep in mind half the characters will play the first game, and the other half will play game two.

Golly g willikers, let me see... 

That's disgusting, you're removing your own face!!!

Ta-dah!!!  I'm picking General Grievous to win the
first game, and The Mandalorian for number two!

I think I'm going to be sick, you've been walking around with those two in your innards, just waiting for me to ask you to make a pick???  But wait a second, those aren't our normal game pieces - where did those come from?

Surprise!!!  We board games have to look out for each 
other.  I've made new character pieces for all of the 
new characters, they should be much easier to see by
all the Duelers now!

Wow Monopoly...I don't know what to say!  Thank you!!!  

Well, that is that - Monopoly is predicting two new characters to win it all Saturday.  If you aren't playing but want to stop by, we'll be in the North Village Classroom (the building across from the current testing center in North Village).  The first game will start at 3:30 (3:15 for new Duelers who need to learn how to play).  We hope to start the second game by 7 or so.  We'll see everyone then!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

CL Training Duel - August 9, 2021


Carbon Freezing Chamber via Degobah

Ladies, gentlemen, Wookies...we're back!!!  That's right, last night was the official kickoff for our EIGHTH season of 12-Way Duels!!!  It was also just our second live, face-to-face Duel, since coming out of the COVID restrictions.  Look at these excitable faces:

Loki Rob spent most of the day hyping up the new CL&L staff about the game, and by the time he made it to the snack room at camp, there was a line of newbies forming around the building.  In fact, we set up a side table with the North Village game to accommodate the interest!  Welcome to all of the new Duelers!

Kat came out of retirement this year and got things started by scoring the #1 chair at the table.  The gaggle of newbies and veterans sat down behind her and we were off and running.  

Now that we have eleven different playing boards, Rob has already randomly selected them for each of the Duels this season.  What better way to kick off the new Dueling year than with the ultimate killing room...the Carbon Freezing Chamber!  And though Ryan has left Waco, he bequeathed the league his boards, so we got to play on the Dagobah version to boot.  

Miguel officially started the mayhem when his Jango Fett attacked Duncan's Kylo Ren and then flipped to the back line of the light side of the board.  Duncan was horrified as others followed suit, including JD M.'s Count Dooku and Elliot's Orson Krennic.  Elliot was particularly ruthless as he lobbed a Grenade into the Knights of Ren.

Duncan/Kylo, Evan/Vader, and Katie/Maul were in a real pickle, but they kept their wits about them and staved off the lopsided odds.  That was due in large part to Katie, who quickly amassed ten cards and dared anyone to step towards her Darth Maul.  The tension finally broke when fully carded Rob/Mace and Kat/Luke let loose on poor Miguel's Jango Fett.  Miguel escaped with just a couple of health points to spare, but ultimately bit the dust when JD M.'s Super Battle Droid popped him with a 5 point attack.  Miguel has played Jango twice and finished last with him both times.  Ouch!!!  Fortunately he was carrying around Old Bay to season his tears.

Duncan wondering what he did to deserve this...

Duncan had to be surprised he didn't finish last, but the thought was fleeting because Elliot lobbed yet ANOTHER Grenade into him and Kylo was smoked out in eleventh.  The sequel anti-hero has yet to finish above tenth place in league play.

It was assumed the light side alliance would finish off Evan/Vader and Katie/Maul next, but infighting broke out once again.  This time it would be poor Kat on the wrong end of it.  John M.'s Anakin Wrathed little Leia to death, and not long after, JD/Dooku, Ian/Yoda, and John/Anakin agreed to take her down.  Hot shot rookie Grant H. used his Lando for the kill shot.

With nine to go the attention was once again focused on the dark side of the board.  That was disappointing news for Evan, who for never having played before, was navigating Darth Vader quite well despite the odds.  The constant peppering of shots from light side minor characters, along with Grant/Lando and Drue/big Leia, was too much.  JD's Super Battle Droid once again collected the trophy.

Rookies trying not to make eye contact with Darth Maul

We should take a moment now to appreciate the incredible combination of Dueler Katie and her character Darth Maul.  What a match made in heaven!  She was fully loaded and ready to destroy, but she patiently hung back and slowly sewed doubt into the light side alliance, drawing special attention to Ian/Yoda and Rob/Mace.  The mental warfare worked, when all of a sudden Drue/Leia and Grant/Lando weren't willing to shoot Maul.  Furthermore, Katie reached a tenuous truce with Elliot's Krennic.  She was hell-bent on digging out of her hole and it worked!

Ian's Yoda wasn't having it, though.  He targeted Grant's Lando and he pushed him into a kill box where he, JD/Dooku, Rob/Mace, and John/Anakin soon dispatched the Cloud City scoundrel in eighth place.  This ticked off Drue's Leia, who formally joined sides with Krennic and Maul.  That in turn galvanized the remaining four, which was a good thing because John's Anakin/Padme combo were chomping on the bit to attack any number of them.  Rob started doing an attack/Wisdom combo to lower Krennic's health points, and Elliot eventually succumbed to his wounds when JD's Dooku bounced him with a Taunt for seventh place

Darth Maul vs. The World

With six Duelers left, Katie's Darth Maul finally started creeping forward, protected by Drue's Princess Leia.  She continued to explore cracks in the alliance, and that's when Rob reached a verbal agreement, fearing Maul would come for him first.  He agreed to go after Ian's Yoda too if Maul unloaded on him.  What happened next was...beautiful.  Darth Maul unloading Sith Speed after Sith Speed while Yoda deflected with just the occasional point of damage or two.  PURE OFFENSE VS DEFENSE!  Miraculously, Yoda survived without using either of his 15-point defenses or the Force Rebound.  Rob was clearly trying to play both sides in the Maul/Yoda showdown, but he knew he was doing zero damage to Yoda with all of the big defense in play.  Instead...he attacked John M.'s Anakin!  It was a bit risky because Anakin still hadn't used his second Counterattack, but it turned out it was still buried in the draw pile.  John, in his rookie game, finished a more than respectable sixth place!

The exact point in time the Duelers realized they would be 
useless at tomorrow's training...

With five left, JD/Dooku, Ian/Yoda, and Rob/Mace were trying to figure out how to finish off Katie's Maul, who had retreated back to her original end of the board.  Rob, however, vocalized how concerned he was that Drue's Leia had yet to use either "...I Know" defense cards or her auto-damage Covert Mission Specials.  That's when Ian hatched a combo Dooku-Force Drain and Yoda Force Lift.  Rob's Mace came in and finished off Drue.  But Holy Hannah, what a debut for Drue!!!  That was only Leia's second game in the League too, she's a force to be reckoned with.

JD had made it no secret he wanted to go to the final two with Ian's Yoda, so Rob knew he needed to partner with Katie's Maul.  They were once again in a loose alliance, but despite Maul jacking up Dooku, JD went for it and withstood a Blinding Surge to Force Push Katie to her fourth place finish.  What a night for Katie!!!

With three to go Rob begged JD to reconsider his partnership with Ian, knowing it was doomed.  JD wanted to honor his verbal decrees (while also sensing he had an honest shot at Yoda in the final two), so he declined.  This forced Rob to eliminate Dooku instead of saving his cards for Yoda.  JD M. finished in third place in his FIRST Duel...are you kidding me?!?  These rookie Duelers all look promising!

Rob's Mace was damaged from his two-front defense, and Ian's Yoda was back to full health and STILL hadn't played any of the big defense cards yet.  Rob used about 342 Wisdom cards to runaway, but the scary reality of the Carbon Freezing Chamber is that you can't run for long.  Yoda eventually Force Pushed Mace for the win!  Congrats Ian!!!!  He won the YODA trophy, with YODA, on the DAGOBAH board.  That's what you call synergy people!!!  That's also Ian's ninth career win, moving him into a tie for second place all-time.

Let's take a look at that final order of finish once again...

12.  Miguel/Jango Fett
11.  Duncan/Kylo Ren
10.  Kat/Luke Skywalker
9.  Evan/Darth Vader
8.  Grant H./Lando Calrissian
7.  Elliot/Orson Krennic
6.  John M./Anakin Skywalker
5.  Drue/Princess Leia
4.  Katie/Darth Maul
3.  JD M./Count Dooku
2.  Rob/Mace Windu
1.  Ian/Yoda

For all of our new Dueling friends...welcome to the league!  Make sure you let Rob know if you want to be put on the mailing list for future Duels!  Speaking of which...on Saturday, August 28th, we'll be playing our 8th Annual Doubleheader!  That's right, two Duels on the same day!  And don't worry, the first game is being played in the TRASH COMPACTOR, so we know that one will be short!  Rob will send more information and invites out for that after move-in.

That's all for now - congrats again to Ian!