Thursday, October 27, 2016

Card Appreciation Vol. 6

CARD:  "Children of the Force"

WHAT IT DOES:  Allows twins to power up and be fleet of feet.

WHY IT'S AWESOME:  We've now played thirty 12-way Duels in Waco, and Luke Skywalker is the only character to never have won a Duel.  In fact, in 55+ recorded Duels, he's only won once.  It was the second Duel ever, back in 2002.

That's not good.

I've long thought Luke Skywalker is the worst character you can draw in a 12-way, but I have a new theory:  he's misunderstood!  He's the fifth ranked character in our league so he can't be all bad.  The issue could be that nobody has figured out exactly how to play him.  I think "Children of the Force" might be the hidden key that's been in front of our faces the whole time!

"Children of the Force" (aka "Children of the Corn," as Ryan likes to say it...) is represented in Luke's deck three times - that's nearly 10% of his hand.  You know what other Special card is in Luke's hand three times?  "I Will Not Fight You."  That can't be a coincidence, and I'm kicking myself for not seeing the connection sooner.  If you combo an "I Will Not Fight You" with a "Children of the Force" you can gut somebody's whole hand while retreating and replenishing yours!  You get to move six spaces, which is farther than anyone can roll, you can move Leia too, and you get two cards the rest of the board can't see to start restocking your hand.  That's good stuff!  Now...can somebody pull that off three times in one game? If you do, I suspect you'll be close to a victory.

BEST USED:  I don't recall seeing the combo mentioned above used in a game, but "Children of the Force" can be played well in other scenarios too.  Luke has a couple of sketchy starting positions on certain boards - if you have one of these in your hands early, use it to get out of Dodge and draw cards faster than everybody else. That will also enable you to attack first, another way to throw the dogs off your scent.  Luke is similar to a shooter, too.  You don't want to stay too long in any one spot with Luke and Leia. "Children of the Force" helps you avoid overstaying your welcome and empowers you to flee to a new alliance.  Also, if you're holding a "Justice" card after Leia is dead, being able to suddenly run six spaces to attack an unsuspecting Dueler with ten points can be critically valuable.

WORST USED:  To card up only.  Ignoring the movement benefit only nets you one additional card in your hand after two actions.  Worse yet, not using it at all.  Several characters can disarm Specials or discard you at random.  It's clear by the number of cards Luke is holding that he's meant to move and move often.  Don't be a slug.

FINAL THOUGHTS:  There won't be a big enough way to celebrate the Dueler who finally brings home a victory for the long lost Luke Skywalker.  Surely "Children of the Force" will factor into that victory?

What do you think???  Sound off in the comments below!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Fight Night - October 8, 2016

Geonosis Arena

Duelers from long ago and rookies in their first and second Duels converged for Fight Night, the annual October Duel where twelve friends step into the arena and treat each other horribly.

It was a blast!

Sakina, playing her first Duel since the 2015 Championship, had the honor of picking the #1 chair.  Thus it was her responsibility to pick the board we played on.  She pulled the Geonosis Arena envelope.  A strong murmur carried over the table as the fears and history of carnage on this dusty looking playing surface came racing back into Duelers' minds.  Sakina also got the first crack at characters, and she pulled Darth Maul.  Daniel immediately became frightened, having been destroyed first in a Duel when Sakina had the horn rimmed Sith Lord!

Padme was already dead before we took the group photo!
Chris got the game started, not just by being the first to roll, but the first to defect!  He used "Children of the Force" to run Luke and Leia from behind the columns and over to the dark side.  That got Jonathan's Han Solo squawking, which didn't prevent a second defection.  JD's Anakin swung a light saber at him before Wrathing over to the dark side too!  That made it eight on four as the remaining light side characters tried to figure out what the heck happened.  Padme was the first character to die during that chaos.

Luke (the rookie Dueler, not the character) was piloting Obi-Wan and decided he wanted an honorable death and began to rally the last of his side to press into the dark side.  He started lashing out at anyone he could get his light saber on, and poor Sakina started taking some big hits, especially after Luke moved everyone around the board up to three spaces.  Not long after Daniel's Greedo popped a shot on Obi-Wan to bring Luke into last place in his debut 12-Way.  Sakina barely survived her assault by the aligned Jedi, but saw no mercy after she retreated deep into the Sith ranks.  Stephen/Emperor and Curtis/Dooku put her out of her misery.  It was a rough night for Sakina, as her bad character placement and unlucky cards ruined her return.

Rob's Zam had snuck down behind the columns to fire off a round or two at Jonathan's Han, and he talked Brannon/Mace into joining him on the fun.  That ended Jonathan's night in tenth, but not before Chewey Bowcasted Daniel's Boba Fett.  It looked like Liz/Yoda or Brannon/Mace would die next, but Chris, Rob and Daniel sensed they were on the outs within the large dark side alliance.  After Liz Force Rebounded JD's Anakin for five points of damage, they enacted a devious plan.  Boba threw a Thermal on Anakin, and then Rob/Jango Wrist Cabled him for two more points.  Chris/Luke put the final hit on JD who was stunned in ninth place.  He left to get a carbonated beverage and cool off before coming back to see the finale.  Chris/Luke also ended the night of JD's brother-in-law, as Mace was also weak.

Chris, right after they did him dirty.
With seven to go it looked like the alliance would target Yoda next, but Curtis/Dooku, Stevie/Vader, and Stephen/Emperor pulled off a vicious back stab, pinning Rob's Jango on the back row and ending the Fett's life in an unceremonious seventh place.  It was a fitting fate after Rob did JD so dirty.  That left Chris/Luke and Daniel/Boba reeling - they realized they were on the outs.  They attempted to feign loyalty by going after Liz/Yoda, but Curtis pulled off another one of his patented Dooku Force Pushes.  This time, he threw Stevie's Vader at Luke, and then Stephen played "You Will Die" on him.  All that was left to do was for Stevie to play "All Too Easy" and the fully healthy Luke Skywalker was out in sixth.  All Chris could do was sit back, lick his wounds, and file the experience in his mental Rolodex of revenge!

All eyes on Stephen
That left five players on the board:  Liz/Yoda, Daniel/Boba, Stephen/Emperor, Curtis/Dooku, and Stevie/Vader.  Liz dug her heals in and Force Pushed Vader back out of there, but despite a strong final stand, Daniel's Boba Fett shot her and she placed fifth.  That's a heck of a sophomore effort from Liz, though!  She has the makings of a strong Dueler!

What happened next was pretty fantastic.  As the four remaining Duelers looked around the table at each other, Curtis suggested they all go after Stevie's Darth Vader, since he was still quite healthy as he loomed on the board.  But Stevie stepped up his social game and instead focused the attention back at Curtis, suggesting his equally if not more powerful Count Dooku was the true menace remaining!  Daniel too began to observe the same thing, and all three pleaded their case to Stephen's Emperor...who was the ACTUAL character in charge at that point!  Stephen pretended to be more confused on what to do than he really was, and the infighting commenced.  Stevie couldn't withstand it as his Vader bowed out in fourth.  You have to tip your cap to Stevie, though, he played a great Duel!

Only one of these guys isn't worried.
Guess which one!
With three left Curtis/Dooku and Daniel/Boba were both bloodied but standing.  Each had a minor character in tow, which included Greedo.  I don't know why, but I always laugh when Greedo goes deep into a Duel.  The comedic effect of it gets me every time.  I digress...Curtis was essentially playing for second place, so he went after Boba.  But after a Taunt and a Give Orders, he mismanaged his character placement, leaving Dooku open for an attack by Greedo.  Sure enough, Daniel finally pulled the "Desperate Shot" card, and Greedo fired it off at Dooku.  Curtis would die in third.  That was a good rebound Duel for Curtis, who has suffered from a string of mediocre finishes as of late.  And how about Greedo!  He killed two main characters!!!

With two left history was about to occur.  Emperor Palpatine was one of only two characters never to have won a 12-Way Duel in our Waco league, but Stephen's masterful performance was about to change that.  Daniel fired off a few attacks, but Stephen finally redrew another Force Lightning, which he used to fry Boba in second.  Daniel was happy, though!  That was his best-ever career finish, and with the worst ranked character in our game no less!  And we have to give it up for Stephen!  He's won two of the last three Duels and made history with Palpatine!!!  He's finished in the top five of his last four Duels - outstanding.

Final order of finish:

12.  Luke/Obi-Wan Kenobi
11.  Sakina/Darth Maul
10.  Jonathan/Han Solo
9.  JD/Anakin Skywalker
8.  Brannon/Mace Windu
7.  Rob/Jango Fett
6.  Chris/Luke Skywalker
5.  Liz/Yoda
4.  Stevie/Darth Vader
3.  Curtis/Count Dooku
2.  Daniel/Boba Fett
1.  Stephen/Emperor Palpatine

Thanks to everyone for a great Fight Night!  And for those of you who weren't there...we finished in three hours!  See - it can be done.  The stats are updated, feel free to peruse them at your leisure.  Stay tuned for details on the upcoming November Duel - Thanksdueling!  It's the last match of the year before the 2016 Championship in December, where the top twelve ranked Duelers square off for the Superbowl of 12-Way Duels.  Boom.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Preview: Fight Night - October 8, 2016

You can tell by that cool fall air (it's now in the upper 80's instead of the mid 90's) that it must be October!  And if it's October, that means it's time for FIGHT NIGHT!


2014 - Grant navigated a board of five rookie Duelers to bring home victory with Darth Vader.

2015 - It was a shooter's paradise as Curtis' Han Solo outlasted Ryan's Jango for a win in the Emperor's Throne Room.


Since it's the month of trick-or-treating, we'll preview the lineup of Duelers with suggested Halloween costumes!

Brannon - JD's brother-in-law is back for his second game!  And we've learned his name is BranNon, not BranDon.  That pronunciation confusion makes HAN (Han?  Hahn?) SOLO his perfect costume.

Chris - Look who's back for the first time since his May the 4th victory!  The veteran tactician is a worthy and honorable opponent.  That's why his perfect costume is MON MOTHMA.

Curtis - He wasn't too pleased with his Fall Brawl results, so surely Curtis has been training hard for his next match.  That is why DAGOBAH TRAINING LUKE is his perfect costume, complete with son Miles riding on his back dressed like YODA.

Daniel - Speaking of another blast from the past, Daniel is back in action Saturday night for the first time in many moons.  He's been romancing a new lady friend, which is why LANDO is his perfect costume.

JD - The ground swell for actually pulling off a Twelve-12-Way Duel summer weekend is growing, and JD may or may not have already created a trophy for it!  His re-purposing of junk materials means UGNAUGHT is his perfect costume.

Jonathan - Jonathan continues his march towards professional status.  He's got talent, skills, and card knowledge, but can sometimes have trouble honing them together.  That is why his costume is PADAWAN ANAKIN, complete with rat tail.

Liz - She braved her first Duel last month and finished in a respectable 8th place.  That undaunted courage makes for a perfect WEDGE ANTILLES costume.

Luke - A veteran of the infamous Martin underground leagues, he did play with us at the Singles Tournament this summer, but this mysterious Dueler will be making his league debut at Fight Night. This shadowy entrance means SUPREME LEADER SNOKE is his perfect costume.

Rob - The crazy old wizard responsible for this blog and Dueling craze used some major Jedi Mind Tricks to finish second place with Han Solo at the Fall Brawl.  That is why OLD MAN OBI-WAN is his perfect costume.

Sakina - You read that right, Sakina is back in the house!  She hasn't played since the 2015 Championship.  This epic break in action, only to return in dramatic fashion, means OLD MAN LUKE SKYWALKER is her perfect costume.

Stephen - Nobody is Dueling better right now than Stephen.  Lost in the Fall Brawl results was his impressive finish with Boba Fett (5th), the Fett's highest finish in years.  I happen to know he already has a Mandalorian helmet, making JANGO FETT Stehpen's perfect costume.

Stevie - Rounding out our accomplished list of Duelers is Stevie.  He continues to fine-tune his Dueling skills and is nearing expert status.  Can he finally bring home his first victory?  The anticipation is PALPAble, making his perfect costume EMPEROR PALPATINE!


"Once the shield is down, our Duelers will
create a perimeter, while our Skywalkers fly
into the superstructure and attempt to knock out
the main reactor."
Holy cow!  Ackbar is predicting Luke wins Fight Night!  Those are some crazy odds.  In 50+ recorded Duels, he's only ever won once.  What does the Admiral know that we don't?

Magnetic Lego Admiral Ackbar's prediction record this season:  1-2

Well, this is shaping up to be an epic FIGHT NIGHT!  Once again, we play at 8PM on Saturday Night, in the North Village Community Center.  See you then!!!