Saturday, April 28, 2018

Birthday Surprise - April 26, 2018

Geonosis Arena/The Ice Planet Hoth

Sith Lordy
Sith Lordy,
Look who's 40!

That's right - Ryan, the most sinister Dueler in the league, celebrated four decades on the third rock from the sun this week, so naturally, we had to hold a surprise Duel!

Well, it was mostly a surprise.  I think he started to figure it out the day of.  Now that we've done this a few times it's getting harder to be clandestine!

Ryan's wife brought Rudy's BBQ and a Star Wars cake, which made the normal pre-game tension a little less severe.  We also had to be beat the clock with this Duel, because most of us had tickets or were trying to get tickets for the opening night of Avengers: Infinity War.  It just proves our nerdery isn't contained to the Star Wars Universe!

It's weird to Duel in the daylight.
Since it was Ryan's birthday we also decided to play on his Hoth board, a replication of the Geonosis arena.  It's a beautiful battlefield.  You practically want to wear mittens while moving your characters around.

Characters and chairs were picked and we were off to the races.  Curtis' Count Dooku stayed loyal to the dark side, so Rob's Luke Skywalker departed the light side to tip the scales.  Ethan's Mace and JD's Obi-Wan tried to hold the line, but Daniel's Boba Fett chucked a thermal detonator that wiped out three Clones and the light side was quickly hurting.  Coleman, playing in his rookie Duel, started moving his Han and Chewie from around the, move into attack position.  Except...he attacked his own alliance!  Chewie dropped the Bowcaster on Ethan's Mace, and followed up with a three point attack to put Mace in last place for just the second time in 54 league duels.

What if, instead of fighting, we just made
snow angels instead?  Who's in?!?
Ryan/Yoda, Kaleb/Anakin, and JD/Obi had retreated behind the snowbank to make the dark side come marching down and enter a bottleneck to try and damage them.  They figured that would improve their defensive hopes.  It was a good strategy, except Coleman's Han was still back there too.  He popped off two more attacks and JD's Obi-Wan was out in eleventh.  It's been a rough stretch for both JD and Obi.

The remaining light side finally had enough of Han and Coleman was ousted them in tenth.  It was a daring, if not confusing, debut for the rookie.  That left Kaleb and Ryan as the focal points for the dark side to attack.  Unfortunately for the birthday boy, Ryan/Yoda were out in ninth, fittingly killed by Curtis, who was and still is fuming from his own birthday ouster at Ryan's hands last year.

Just as it seemed obvious Kaleb/Anakin would be next to go the dark side started squabbling and called out a possible Ben/Emperor, Rob/Luke, and Grant/Jango alliance.  Rob tried to squash that by attacking Jango, but the rest of the alliance didn't follow suit.  Rob tried to backtrack and point out the equally strong power trio of Nathan/Maul, Curtis/Dooku, and Daniel/Boba, but folks weren't interested in keeping Rob or Luke on the board.  Ben's Imperial Guard killed him in eighth.

That left seven to go, and Jango, who had Rocket Retreated after being attacked by Rob, suddenly found himself surrounded by less-than-friendly allies.  They circled and attacked.  Curtis' Dooku dropped the final shot and Grant's evening was done.  His terrible luck at picking shooters, though, remains strongly intact.

Curtis' paranoia ratcheted up to eleven as he saw his former partners starting to circle.  Before he knew it he was the focus of attack and crashed out in sixth.  That left a final five of Ben/Emperor, Daniel/Boba, Nathan/Maul, Kaleb/Anakin, and Joel/Vader...a (mostly) dark side fight!

Multiple alliances formed and changed, and just as it looked like Kaleb's Anakin might be gaining control, Daniel's Boba Fett dropped an un-defended Kyber Dart that shockingly exited Kaleb from the board.  Don't feel too sorry for him, though, because he's reclaimed the #1 Dueler ranking!

After Daniel's fierce firepower the remaining Duelers turned their attention on him.  Joel's Vader eliminated him in fourth.  Daniel's had quite a nice little run as of late!  And then there were three...

Initially it looked like Nathan/Maul and Ben/Emperor would team against Joel's Vader.  But as they worked Vader's health marker toward zero Ben started addressing Maul.  That forced Nathan into attacking the Emperor instead.  Joel's Vader retreated to the snow bank end of the board while Maul and Emperor duked it out.  Ben played extremely well, including dropping a You Will Die on Vader, but Nathan pulled an Athletic Surge at the exact right time to kill Ben in third place.  Ben continues to rise up the Dueler rankings as he continues to stalk his first victory.

Nathan, damaged from the Emperor, had no choice but to advance towards Vader before Joel re-drew a Throw Debris or Wrath.  He got an attack or two in, but Joel rolled out to confront him.  Despite dropping a Blinding Surge to knock Joel down to two points from dying, he didn't have an adequate enough defense to block Vader's second attack.  Joel won his third career Duel!  And that extends Vader's character lead to nine career wins.  The final order of finish:

12.  Ethan/Mace Windu
11.  JD/Obi-Wan Kenobi
10.  Coleman/Han Solo
9.  Ryan/Yoda
8.  Rob/Luke Skywalker
7.  Grant/Jango Fett
6.  Curtis/Count Dooku
5.  Kaleb/Anakin Skywalker
4.  Daniel/Boba Fett
3.  Ben H./Emperor Palpatine
2.  Nathan/Darth Maul
1.  Joel/Darth Vader

Happy birthday again, Ryan!  Thanks to everyone who came out to play.  Now let's start talking Avengers spoilers...

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Duel of the Fates - April 6, 2018

The Emperor's Throne Room

As if the tension and stress of a 12-Way Duel isn't high enough, we've found a new way to torture our participants.

Play the song "Duel of the Fates," from Episode One, on repeat for four straight hours while the Duelers play the Duel of the Fates match.  It's hilarious!  Some folks can ignore it while others just pretend to ignore it.  The weak lose their composure and demand it be turned down, or worse yet, attempt to turn it down themselves.

But there's no escaping it!  The music plays until the Duel is over, bwahahaha!  BWAHAHA!!!

Anyway, thanks to JD for introducing that new mental warfare tactic.  We can't wait to do that again next year...

The most anticipated moment for Duel of the Fates was the board selection.  Ryan worked overtime over the last week to ensure we would have three 3D playing boards to pick from for the Duel.  We already used his Kamino Platform for the New Hope battle in January, but since then, he's made two new boards for Geonosis and the Emperor's Throne Room.  Except...he made them look like the ice planet Hoth and Vader's dreaded backyard, Mustafar, instead!  They're absolutely fantastic.  We'll hold off on showing Hoth for now, but take a look at Mustafar.  Be careful where you place the figurines, because I swear that's real lava!  If you look very closely you'll find an Episode Three-era Anakin Skywalker on the board.  The "extra crispy" version.  With every board Ryan has created eligible to be selected for Duel of the Fates, it was only fitting that Ryan selected the number one chair.  So Mustafar (The Emperor's Throne Room) is what he picked.  He also did everyone the favor of picking his all-time favorite character, Luke Skywalker.  He must have a magnet in his hand that calls out to young Skywalker.  Ben also picked his personal favorite character, Han Solo.  You could see the heartburn kick in as soon as he opened the envelope.
They're all smiling because the guy taking the picture would be
the first one dead in about 15 minutes...

The board and characters were selected so the cards were shuffled and the game began.  Ian's Super Battle Droid immediately dropped a five point kill on Rob/Obi's Clone Trooper.  That piqued the interest of Curtis' Vader and Daniel's Emperor Palpatine.  They immediately began raining down Force Lightning, Debris, Wraths, and even a Force Drain from Ian's Count Dooku.  It was a total beat-down and Rob was gone in last place, winning the Golden Jar Jar.  That's not what he had in mind for his fourth trophy.

The coordinated attacks from the dark side spooked Ryan's Luke Skywalker, so he took the position as first flipper of the game.  That really put the remaining light side in a tough spot.  Joel/Yoda, JD/Mace, and Toby/Anakin were stuck in the back row.  Ben decided Han and Chewey would look good coddling the Sith and skipped out of town.

Kerri knows they're out to get her!
Nobody realized it at the time, but Toby (replacing an injured Grant in the Dueling lineup) was playing his sixth Duel, making him our newest professional!  Congrats Toby!  Unfortunately for him, the dark side wasn't in a mood to celebrate it.  To his credit he went out guns and light sabers blazing.  He pulled off a stupendous double Wrath, killing Greedo and maiming Ethan's Zam.  Then he dropped an Anger/Calm combo.  That was enough to scare the dark side into killing him next.  Kaleb's Darth Maul dropped the final shot, killing him in eleventh.  But Toby is now a professional, bringing the current total of pros to nineteen!!!

Though it looked like JD/Mace or Joel/Yoda would be the next logical choice, that's not what happened.  Ian was feeling nervous about the mix of remaining players in his alliance and wanted to thin the herd.  In a shocking move he swooped in against Kerr's Boba Fett.  In an even more shocking move, JD moved into the heart of that alliance to make new friends with Chewey and attack Kerri too.  Boba managed to drop a Deadly Aim and Rocket Retreat on Ian before peacing-out to the opposite end of the lava pit.  Unfortunately for her, she was still within shooting range of Ryan's Leia, and Kerri was out in tenth.  She's one Duel away from going pro too!
We see you JD!

That left nine Duelers on the board (can we even still call it a board when it's three-dimensional?).  Again, the obvious choice looked like Joel/Yoda or JD/Mace, but Kaleb had other plans.  He thought Ryan's Luke Skywalker was playing weakly, and he's Darth Maul, so those "I Will Not Fight Yous" were a big concern.  That was enough for him to drop the hammer and target Ryan.  He did the heavy lifting while Ian dropped a Taunt to kill him in ninth.  That low finish actually resulted in Ryan sliding from second place to fourth in the Dueler rankings.

At that point JD was still deep in the original dark side territory, pretending to be friends with everyone and willing to attack anyone, especially Daniel's Emperor.  The general confusion of who was exactly on each other's side continued, but when the dust settled, JD became the target.  He couldn't believe it, or at least that's how he pretended to feel.  He begged and pleaded but Ben's Chewbacca, who moments before was holding Mace's hand, delivered a five point attack.  The remaining Duelers hoped JD would leave and take his Duel of the Fates playlist with him.  He was happy to disappoint them!

From there the rest of the Duelers finally turned their attention to Joel's Yoda.  He had a couple of skirmishes with Ethan's Jango and Zam, but for the most part, had evaded the majority alliance's detection.  With so many of their minor character shooters still in play, they began to pepper the diminutive Jedi with laser blasts.  He held out for as long as he could but Yoda finally crashed in seventh.  It wasn't a bad finish considering how his allies fared.

That left six Duelers, and the paranoia was ratcheted as tightly as the string section of the Duel of the Fates orchestral accompaniment.  Rather than strategic, logical conversations with each other, the remaining combatants looked wildly for a sense of cohesion and acceptance.  The group finally stumbled forward by turning on Daniel's Emperor Palpatine.  He was geographically isolated on the board, so it took the remaining Duelers a minute to close in on him.  Meanwhile, a secondary murmur about Jango's continued existence began to form.  Curtis' Darth Vader finally got the drop on Daniel, who had to bow out in sixth.  That left five Duelers:  Curtis/Vader, Ian/Dooku, Ethan/Jango, Kaleb/Maul, and Ben/Han.

A pensive Ethan
There was yet another prolonged pause in the action as the remaining Duelers tried to figure out what the heck they were doing.  Ethan's Jango took an initial hit but Rocket Retreated over to his good, trustworthy, would-never-turn-on-him friend Ben. 

You already know how this goes...

Ben's Han hung his head in shame as he laid down an attack card.  It was a controversial strategy given the proven methodology of shooters working together late in a game.  Ethan was stunned, and then dead, when Han delivered the final kill shot.

From there the remaining Duelers were consumed by the uncertainty of how things would roll out from there.  At one point it looked like three of them would all turn on Curtis' Vader, but Curtis successfully argued for the combined effort it would take to eliminate Kaleb's Darth Maul, who was still quite healthy and loaded with cards.  Kaleb was trying to defend and repeat as champion of the last Duel of the Fates, and was blessed to have Darth Maul to win back his Darth Maul trophy.  But alas, the remaining alliance turned on him and he ran out of gas in fourth.  Still, that strong performance has shot Kaleb back up in the rankings, as he's now up to second.

Ben's face says it all...
And then there were three.  Ben was in great shape, as Han was nearly full health and so was Chewbacca.  Curtis' Vader was chewed up after his tussle with Darth Maul, and Ian's Count Dooku was beginning to show signs of weakness.  That's when Ben used Wookie Instincts to pull the Bowcaster.  But, in a controversial move, he didn't use it right away!  Ben was hoping Curtis would join him in an attack on Ian's Count Dooku.  Instead, Ian and Curtis aligned to kill the Wookie before his 11 point card could be played.  In a really slick move, Ian used Give Orders and Force Push to trap Chewbacca behind his last remaining Super Battle Droid.  That trapped Chewey who was subsequently Choked and Wrathed without playing the Bowcaster.  It was a devastating turn of events for Ben.

With Han now exposed and unprotected by his walking carpet, Ian no longer saw the need to keep Curtis around.  Instead of advancing on Ben's Han Solo he moved Dooku in on Vader.  Ian dropped an attack to end Curtis' night in third place.  It was a good scramble finish for Curtis, who at multiple times during the night looked like he was sure to die next.

That left two - Count Dooku and Han Solo.

They began to dance around the Mustafar lava pools and Ben got the early jump by dropping some shots and running away.  But Ian had stored up a Give Orders or two, and used one to move into attack position to drop a Taunt.  Surprisingly, Ben didn't have any defense left as he was stuck with mostly useless Wookie cards.  It was a heartbreaking end for Ben, who nearly secured his first ever victory.  But it was also a masterful performance by Ian, who navigated his favorite character through a lot of chaos to bring home the bacon.  Congrats to both!  This marked Ian's fifth win, which brings him into a tie for second place on the all-time list.  Here is the final order of finish:

12.  Rob/Obi-Wan Kenobi
11.  Toby/Anakin Skywalker
10.  Kerri/Boba Fett
9.  Ryan/Luke Skywalker
8.  JD/Mace Windu
7.  Joel/Yoda
6.  Daniel/Emperor Palpatine
5.  Ethan/Jango Fett
4.  Kaleb/Darth Maul
3.  Curtis/Darth Vader
2.  Ben/Han Solo
1.  Ian/Count Dooku

This means there's only ONE Duel left on the season - May the 4th Be With You!  That will take place guessed it, May 4th!  That will probably be a matinee game, more details to come.  Also, for those of you still around Waco later in May, we'll do a Duel on the evening of the Han Solo movie premiere. 

Thanks to everyone who continues to keep this league fun and vicious. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Preview: Duel of the Fates - April 6, 2018

The sun is starting to set on our 2017-18 Dueling season, but there's still some unfinished business to attend to.  That includes our April Duel - the DUEL OF THE FATES!  Named after the epic battle between Darth Maul and Qui-Gon and Obi, it's a fitting parallel to a climactic moment late in the game.

There are two "big" things happening at the April Duel this year.  First, and most exciting, is that we'll be playing on one of Ryan's THREE custom boards.  That's right, he's made three now and we're guaranteed to play on one of them since we were on Carbon last month.  Second, we're using the new custom dice Rob ordered online.  The dice is so big you can see the numbers from space.

Let's take a look at our past Duel of the Fates battles...


2017 - Kaleb wins with Darth Vader
2016 - Alex wins with Count Dooku
2015 - Curtis wins with Obi-Wan Kenobi


Ben H. - While he didn't quite have the final finish he wanted at the Imperial March, Ben has now logged three straight top five finishes in the league and recently purchased his own copy of the game.  Safe to say, he's got that Dueling fever.

Curtis - He's finished in the middle of the pack (5th, 6th, and 7th) in five of his last eight Duels.  Whenever he gets cranky about it he just looks at his trophy from December's Last Jedi Standing Duel.

Daniel - A lot of things are going Daniel's way these days.  He had a great third place finish at the Imperial March after a long break from the game, and just recently got engaged.  Perhaps a first career victory is on the horizon?

Ethan - He's already faced both extremes in 2018, winning the New Hope Duel in January and finishing in last at the Valentine's Duel.  After taking March off he's hoping for more of that January mojo.

Grant - It's hard to believe, but the league has gone 25 straight games since Grant won his fifth career Duel.  Not that you can tell by looking at the standings; his blistering average finish is still in the top three of the Dueler rankings.

Ian - He piloted Emperor Palpatine in the last two Duels, finishing second in February and eleventh in March.  He's probably hoping for a different character at this point.

JD - Poor JD has finished eighth or worst in four of his last five Duels.  The uncharacteristic unlucky streak might not end at this Duel.  He's finished 8th and 12th at his last two Duel of the Fates.  Or maybe this blurb is just a blatant attempt at reversing the curse.

Joel - After winning Fight Night in October Joel hasn't peaked above seventh place in four games.  He's hoping to turn around his results in 2018.  He's still one of the only Duelers right now holding two trophies.

Kaleb - The good news for Kaleb at the Imperial March match was he didn't get a Fett.  In fact, he landed crowd favorite Obi-Wan Kenobi.  But his alliance turned on him half way through the game and thus he's still on the hunt for victory #3.

Kerri - She's Yoda's favorite human avatar!  Kerri, who hates playing defensive characters like Yoda, has been stuck with him in three of her four career Duels.  She, like Daniel, also just got engaged and would like to celebrate her last amateur Duel with a win.

Rob - Everything went Rob's way at the Imperial March, as his Luke Skywalker dropped three "I Will Not Fight You's" on his way to career victory #11.  He has the distinction of having half (one of two) the victories with the two characters who have the fewest career wins (Luke and Emperor Palpatine).

Ryan - Folks are going to be excited to see the two new boards Ryan has created for the game.  The Kamino Platform was a big hit a couple of months ago, but his versions of Geonosis and the Emperor's Throne Room are even crazier.  He's using the spacing of the original boards but chose an entirely different locale for each that are iconic in the Star Wars universe.


"There's a substantial reward for the one who
finds the candy.  You are free to use any methods
necessary, but I want them uneaten. 
No digestions."
Even though this is Darth Maul's home court Duel, Pez Vader is feeling bounty hunter Jango Fett as the most likely winner.  Who knows how this will turn out...

Pez Vader's Prediction Record:  2-8

Well folks, it's all over but the shouting.  Come on out this Friday to see the mayhem yourself if you please.  It'll be worth the price of admission...and not just because admission is free...