Ewok Village
Friends - we finished a Duel before midnight! IT'S ABOUT TIME. What a great pace, people! We were wrapped up around 11:15, which is a welcome change. What's that? You want to know who actually won?? Ok, ok, let's get into it...
Duel of the Fates was played in the treetops of Ewok Village. Those poor forest dwellers didn't deserve the carnage that was about to take place. Rob pushed play on "Duel of the Fates" on repeat, and poor CJ was almost immediately plugging her ears. THAT'S WHY WE DO IT, BWAHAHAHAHA!
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Those smiles will soon fade... |
As with past Duels, the main bridge area became the spot for early conflict. Rico/Han and Riley B./Fennec chose to put their respective Wookies facing their light side alliance instead of the threats on the dark side of the board. That might have been in part because they didn't know Curtis was signaling the desire to flip to the dark side. Riley B. took one of the first shots of the game, targeting Riley E./Moff Gideon. The dark side then focused their attacks on Fennec. It took a couple of rounds, but Moff Gideon blasted Riley B. with Astute Panic and it was a quick night for poor Riley B.
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Not going well on the light side of the board... |
Curtis' flip to the dark side was solid at that point, making Rico's Han Solo the next easiest target. Grant D./Kylo Ren managed to march a Knight of Ren to the far end of the bridge, landing a three point attack on poor Han and sending Rico home in eleventh. This was all in within the first half hour or so!
Bekah/Bo-Katan, who skipped a formal and had homework due at midnight (!!!), was playing in her sixth Duel, meaning she's now a professional. Congrats Bekah! Unfortunately, she tried to flip to the dark side a tad too late. She landed next to Rob/Emperor and Parker/Vader. They welcomed her with open arms...holding light sabers! A You Will Die from Rob helped off Bekah in tenth, but she's debuting in the professional rankings in ninth place, and that ain't shabby!
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Ahsoka Oh-no! |
Julia/Ahsoka and Bella/Luke were hiding around the tree on the light side of the board, but with the rest of their alliance falling, they were suddenly exposed. Bella played I Will Not Fight You on CJ's General Grievous, who had been stuck on the opposite end of Ewok Village discarding and drawing. Curtis, meanwhile, used Grappling Line to pull Ahsoka into a dark side kill box. She took hits from multiple people, and even used a nifty I Choose to Live, but Parker's Storm Trooper blasted her into ninth.
While half of the dark side alliance turned their attention to Bella/Luke, Grant/Kylo was the first to break the dark side bonds. He began attacking Parker's Darth Vader. Parker responded with a well-timed Your Skills Are Not Complete. Ian/Cad stayed in hot pursuit of Luke Skywalker...literally! Ian used his Flame Gauntlet to finish Bella in eighth place. This was also Bella's sixth Duel, adding her to the professional level too. Well done, Bella!
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Mandone |
Ian wasn't done pulling people's cards. He used a two-point Pike attack to eliminate Parker in seventh. Ian did a great job throughout the game keeping Cad Bane on the move and directing the action.
The final six were a very tight unit, but then it was that awkward moment in every Duel when the superior alliance has to start eating itself. It was Rob's turn and he secretly wanted to go after Curtis' Mandalorian. He wasn't alone, as Riley E. verbalized the same urge. Rob promptly used a Force Lightning on Mando and Riley followed with The Great Purge (which that card is SICK, btw...). The kill shot, however, came from CJ's General Grievous, who had finally crawled out of her back corner to join the action. She successfully used A Fine Addition, meaning she got to add a five-point Mandalorian attack card to her own hand! We think that's only the second time in league history Grievous has actually killed somebody with the card.
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This board is so sweet!!! |
That made it five Duelers left: Rob/Emperor, Grant/Kylo, Ian/Cad, CJ/Grievous, and Riley/Moff Gideon. It was once again Rob's turn, and he asked for feedback. Ian bravely put it on CJ's Grievous, who had literally been carding up the whole game. A half second behind Ian saying that, Grant put his foot in his mouth and named Riley (which was pretty funny as it happened). Arguments were presented, but Grant and Rob signaled they wanted to stick with blades, so Rob called open season on the remaining shooters.
Rob used a couple of Force Lightnings on Cad Bane, and CJ chased Ian down with Grievous. Grant/Kylo, meanwhile, engaged with Moff Gideon. Ian and Riley decided to focus their shared attacks on Grievous, greatly weakening CJ's hand and characters. Riley, however, finally fell to the combined attacks of Kylo and the Royal Guards. She was out in fifth. CJ had Ian pinned in the back corner of the board, and would not accept his overtures to work together as near-dead Duelers. Cad got chopped down with a five-point attack. Ian rested in fourth.
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The dark side three. |
Once Cad Bane was gone the Royal Guards started shooting at Kylo Ren, which did not surprise Grant in the least. He moved to eliminate CJ next though, and did so in brutal fashion when CJ didn't defend Vader's Bloodline. This was just CJ's fourth career Duel, and her third place finish is her personal best. She may have wrestled the "Tiny Titan of Terror" title from her big sister!
Grant had managed to hold onto his I Know What I Must Do (12 attack), and used it to annihilate one of Rob's Royal Guards while also reshuffling that same card back into his fresh draw pile. Rob had reshuffled too, but he was quickly in danger as he started pulling Guard cards who were now gone from the board. A couple of attacks later the Emperor was down to three points of health, and Grant used Choke to win the game!!! Grant went six years between wins after his last victory, and now he went six DAYS between first place finishes!!! He played fantastic, and it's a good reminder for the league that, despite his low character ranking, Kylo Ren is a BOSS!
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Smiles all around! |
Final order of finish:
12. Riley B./Fennec
11. Rico/Han
10. Bekah/Bo-Katan
9. Julia/Ahsoka
8. Bella/Luke
7. Parker/Vader
6. Curtis/Mandalorian
5. Riley E./Moff Gideon
4. Ian/Cad Bane
3. CJ/General Grievous
2. Rob/Emperor
1. Grant D./Kylo
Grant has won the last two Duels in a row, all in the span of a week. That's a hot Dueler!!!
Our next Duel is the last of the academic year: MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU, which will be played on, you guessed it, May the 4th!!! Invites will go out for that next weekend, and Rob will reserve spots for anybody graduating/leaving Waco to get one last Duel in. It's a sad time of year for the Dueling league in that regard...
Oh - and next month will be an ALL-SHOOTERS DUEL - pew pew!!!