Friday, August 30, 2024

Preview: The Doubleheader - September 1, 2024

Here we go, friends!  Season 11 of the 12-way Duel League is off and running.  This Sunday we're playing our annual Doubleheader...and interest is so high in the league right now the slots for both Duels filled less than 40 minutes after Rob's RSVP email!!!

We're playing the prettiest board in the league for game #1 - Ewok Village!  And then our nightcap is on the treacherous Trash Compactor board...where the walls slowly close as Duelers are killed.   

But the coolest thing going down Sunday is the introduction of four BRAND NEW characters, all based on the underrated new Star Wars show, The Acolyte!  I'm so bummed they cancelled it - it wasn't a perfect show but it had the best lightsaber fights of any property and they left several tantalizing plot threads dangling in the wind.  Hopefully they return to this story...for the audience's sake and for more Duels characters!

Here are the new decks:

Sol and Jecki

Indara and Torbin

The Stranger and Mae

Mother Koril and Kelnacca (possessed!)


2023 Game #1 - Ian won with Jango Fett in the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison
2023 Game #2 - Rob won with Yoda on the Conveyex Train

2022 Game #1 - Rob won with Count Dooku in the Trash Compactor
2022 Game #2 - Riley E. won with Darth Vader in the Naboo Reactor Pit

2021 Game #1 - JD M. won with General Grievous in the Trash Compactor
2021 Game #2 - Curtis won with Anakin Skywalker in the Ewok Village

2020 Game #1 - Stephen won with Darth Vader in the Geonosis Arena
2020 Game #2 - Ben won with Anakin Skywalker on the Kamino Platform

2019 Game #1 - Alex C. and Yoda won on the Kamino Platform
2019 Game #2 - Rob and Emperor Palpatine won in the Emperor's Throne Room

2018 Game #1 - Alex C. and Darth Vader won in the Emperor's Throne Room
2018 Game #2 - Joel and Darth Maul won on the Kamino Platform

2017 Game #1 - Rob and Jango Fett won on the Kamino Platform
2017 Game #2 - Nathan and Jango Fett won in the Emperor's Throne Room

2016 Game #1 - Grant and Count Dooku won on the Kamino Platform
2016 Game #2 - Stephen and Jango Fett won in the Emperor's Throne Room

2015 Game #1 - Ryan and Jango Fett won in the Geonosis Arena
2015 Game #2 - Grant and Yoda won in the Emperor's Throne Room

2014 Game #1 - Alex R. and Darth Maul won on the Kamino Platform

2014 Game #2 - Curtis and Yoda won in the Geonisis Arena


Alex G - Game 1 & 2 - It's hard to make a bigger splash than Alex did with his debut at CL Training.  He became just the third Dueler in 149 matches to win their debut Duel!

Atticus - Game 2 - It's been a few months since we've had Atticus at the table, but we're excited to see him return!  He's actually turning pro during game #2 and he would love to land a first-ever top five finish.

Catherine - Game 1 - Here comes a newbie!  Game #1 of the Doubleheader will also be game #1 of her Dueling career.  Here's to many more, Catherine!

Connor - Game 2 - Connor very nearly won the CL Training Duel and demonstrated an eerie understanding of the social dynamics.  Don't sleep on this talented amateur!

Curtis - Game 1 - Curtis' winless streak is getting a little long in the tooth, and he'd love to capture the Jango Fett trophy with a victory in Ewok village.

Elliot - Game 2 - The only thing better than your first career win is...your second!  Elliot would love to bring home the Boba trophy to surpass his spouse with the most wins in their marriage.

Ian - Game 1 & 2 - New Duelers are in for a treat win they lock horns for the first time with the veteran Ian.  He has five top five finishes in his last five Duels, with a win at May the 4th.  He's also defending the Jango trophy.

James - Game 1 & 2 - New Dueler alert!!!  James makes his double-debut at the Doubleheader on Sunday.  He's part of the new underground scene at Teal.  That means he knows how to run with scoundrels.

Jonah - Game 2 - Despite CL Training being his first Duel, Jonah was all-in on causing chaos on the board.  He's going to LOVE the Trash Compactor!

Jordann - Game 1 - Jordann weathered a tumultuous CL Training Duel to land in a very respectable fifth place piloting Darth Vader.  She'd love to get career victory #1 at the Doubleheader.

Julia - Game 1 - Julia hasn't cracked higher than ninth place in her last two Duels, so game #1 is her chance to remind folks why she's such a highly rated veteran.  

Justin - Game 1 - Teal isn't the only residential college showing up on Sunday!  Justin makes his second appearance after having a solid showing with Han Solo at CL Training.

Kiera - Game 2 - Congrats to Kiera, who is playing her first-ever Duel on Sunday!  If her skills are half as good as her Star Wars décor in Brooks College, we'll have our hands full.

Mark W. - Game 1 - Not one, not two, but three residential colleges are being repped in game #1.  This will be Mark's first-ever Duel to boot!

Michael B. - Game 1 & 2 - Michael has quietly put together a nice string of Duels, with five straight top-five finishes in his last five games played.  That includes a second place from April's Power Coupling Duel.

Riley E. - Game 2 - The now high school junior is shedding her child prodigy reputation and looking to finally land victory number three.  Her last win was two years ago at...the Doubleheader! 

Rob - Game 1 & 2 - Rob enters this Duel on a bit of a hot streak.  He's finished in the top 5 of his last five Duels, including a win this past June at the Twin Sun Slam.  He's also defending the Boba trophy.

Samuel - Game 1 &2 - Sam got knocked around a bit in his first two Duels this past spring, so he'd love to (Force) rebound with a strong showing at the Doubleheader.  He's also turning pro, as game #2 will be his sixth career Duel!

There you have it, folks!  We are loaded and ready to rumble this Sunday!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

CL Training Duel - August 12, 2024

Emperor's Throne Room (via Mustafar) 

Here we go again!!!  Season 11 of our 12-Way Star Wars Epic Duels league launched this week at our annual CL Training Duel.  This is an important Duel for us because we introduce padawans to the game for the first time, in hopes of raising them up into professional Duelers.  This year's match didn't disappoint - we had EIGHT brand new Duelers play for the first time with many more joining the mailing list.  The future looks bright!

Nobody has any clue how late they're about to stay up...

With so many newbies it took a minute to teach the game and pass out the seats and characters, but our new friends figured it out quickly.  Folks explored alliances and the bounds of their characters.  The first big move of the game was definitely Caden and his Obi-Wan Kenobi.  He became an early target and, just as folks were reaching their 10-card hand limit...he played Force Balance, dumping everyone's hands and resetting the action!  He didn't win over any new friends that way, as even light side characters joined the dark in knocking him out.  Justin's Han Solo put in the kill shot and Caden became the proud owner of the Golden Jar Jar trophy.

Josiah, Caden, and Jordyn - welcome rookies!

With Obi gone it looked like the dark side alliance, which included Jonah's Mace Windu, would roll through the light.  But Jonah couldn't resist the siren call to backstab, and Mace Whirlwinded Rob's Dark Troopers!  The first time Dueler locked horns with the Godfather of the league!  I gotta tell you, I like his moxie.  The dark side didn't let that pass without punishment.  Spencer's Supreme Leader Snoke used Tied to a String to yank Mace into a dark side kill box.  Liam annihilated him in eleventh with Kylo's I Know What I Have to Do (12 point attack!!!).  Ouch!

There was a lot of buzzing around the table after that, and the new Duelers weren't afraid to leave their seats to whisper into others' ears.  Normally that would put a huge target on yourself...and that's kind of what happened to poor Jordyn!  She wanted to move in against Jordann's Darth Vader and said as much to Rob/Moff Gideon and Elliot/Qui-Gon Jinn.  But when Elliot's name came up as the next target, he spilled the beans on Jordyn and her Captain Phasma was quickly surrounded and attacked.  Liam's Kylo once again offered the death blow with double Force Chokes from Kylo.

Was there, or was there not, a Teal alliance?  We may never know...

That left 9 Duelers at the table and we were well into the wee hours of night at that point.  Josiah's Fennec Shand took early damage, especially after losing Black Krrsantan.  But he slipped off the radar and instead a new Wookie became the target - Han and Chewbacca!  Justin had done a good job keeping the pair out of trouble, but the attention soon fell to them.  Elliot's Qui-Gon absolutely unloaded on Chewey, leaving Han exposed for a final shot from Connor's Jyn Erso, who was playing a similar game of hiding in the corner and keeping his head down.

The dark side alliance cracked after that.  After some nervous haggling at the table, Spencer's Supreme Leader Snoke found himself short on partners.  In a cruel twist, his Snoke was caught without defense and Jordann used her Vader's All Too Easy to administer 20 points of auto-kill on Spencer.  Spencer was one of just four Duelers at the table with playing experience.  The newbies were out for blood!!

Happy or delirious?  It's hard to tell...

And then there were seven!  In many ways, Liam's Kylo Ren had been the backbone of the dark side alliance.  But folks were getting nervous and the alliance started to disintegrate.  The center couldn't hold and the fear of Kylo making a deep run took root.  He became the new enemy and was pounced on when he was low carded.  The final blow came from Jordann's Throw Debris.  Liam played Kylo quite well, though!

That board is gorgeous.

That left two sabers (Jordann/Vader and Elliot/Qui-Gon) and four shooters (Rob/Moff Gideon, Connor/Jyn Erson, Josiah/Fennec, and Alex/Cad Bane).  Rob didn't like how healthy Vader was or how easy it would be for Jordann to do auto-distance damage.  Elliot, meanwhile, wanted Connor's Jyn gone and his alliance with Rob splintered.  There was some side-switching going for the next couple of rounds, but eventually, the shooters formed a final four agreement.  Elliot's Qui-Gon couldn't hang on longer than Jordann's Vader, and he was sent to bed after Connor's Looks Like a Killer was delivered by Cassian.

It took a long time to eliminate Jordann's Darth Vader, thanks in large part to a Storm Trooper who was jacked on steroids, but she couldn't hold out forever.  She left some parting damage on Alex's Cad Bane before settling for fifth place.  Alex picked up the Vader trophy with a 3-point attack.

Rob being told it was past 3AM.

The four remaining shooters were quite pleased to make it to the final four together, as they had stuck with each other.  Connor/Jyn and Josiah/Fennec survived being early targets, while Rob/Moff Gideon and Alex/Cad Bane had stayed loyal throughout.  But someone had to go next, and the pleasantries evaporated when the three rookies named Rob as the next target.  It would be hard to describe the next bits if you weren't there, but let's just say Rob used some verbal jujitsu to move the target off himself and onto Connor's Jyn Erso.  Connor proved early in the game he had good instincts for Dueling, but Rob managed to rally the others and go after Jyn.  Josiah's Fennec played a 4-point attack to finally eliminate Jyn, but kudos to Connor with an amazing fourth place finish in his first Duel.

Residential Colleges at their finest.

Rob put a LOT of pressure on Alex and Josiah since they were dead set on making sure a newbie walked out of this Duel with the CL Training trophy.  He wielded cold, hard Dueling logic while dealing hit points, cycling defense cards, and sowing seeds of doubt.  His last move was to try and strong arm Josiah into an alliance by making him weaker than Connor, but Alex was loyal to Connor and Rob was out in third!  A first time Dueler was going to win!!

It looked like Josiah's Fennec Shand would be an easy target since he was badly damaged, but Josiah was deft in combatting Alex's Cad Bane.  In the end, though, he couldn't gain an advantage and Alex used There's No Shame In It to knock out Josiah.  Alex G. and Cad Bane were the victors!!!  Alex becomes the third Dueler in league history to win their debut Duel - that's rare air!!  This also makes it three career wins for Cad Bane, which is quite impressive given how new to the league he is.  A big spotlight should be put on Josiah too.  How he survived the early light side demise to make it to the final two is incredible.  Well done everyone!!!

Dueling skills > 9 square in the air skills

Final order of finish:

12.  Caden/Obi-Wan Kenobi
11.  Jonah/Mace Windu
10.  Jordyn/Captain Phasma
9.  Justin/Han Solo
8.  Spencer/Supreme Leader Snoke
7.  Liam/Kylo Ren
6.  Elliot/Qui-Gon Jinn
5.  Jordann/Darth Vader
4.  Connor/Jyn Erso
3.  Rob/Moff Gideon
2.  Josiah/Fennec Shand
1.  Alex G./Cad Bane

What a great way to start off the year!!!  Our next Duel is The Doubleheader - that's right, we're playing two Duels in one day!  Rob will send out an official RSVP for that in a couple of weeks, but we're targeting the Sunday of Labor Day weekend (September 1st) at 2PM and 7PM out at Rob's house.  More info soon!!!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

2024 Singles Tournament - July 28, 2024

I'm so sorry for the delayed post!  Right after the 2024 Singles Tournament I headed out on vacation - but - we did play it!!!  These 32 31 fine folks above (and yours truly) each had four characters to take seven rounds to an overarching victory...but only one would do it!