Sunday, August 9, 2015

Labor Day Doubleheader #1 - August 30, 2014

Kamino Platform

Just a couple of weeks after the CL Retreat, Rob hosted at his house for the annual "double header" - two games in one night!  The order of finish was:

12.  Landon - Anakin Skywalker
11.  JD - Emperor Palpatine
10.  Grant - Count Dooku
9.  Chris - Mace Windu
8.  D. Coy - Obi-Wan Kenobi
7.  Connor - Han Solo
6.  Ryan - Darth Vader
5.  Mackenzie - Yoda
4.  Sakina - Boba Fett
3.  Rob - Jango Fett
2.  Kristin - Luke Skywalker
1.  Alex - Darth Maul

Key Moments:
  • Alex was pretty much in control of this game from the beginning.  He aligned with Kristin and loosely with the Fetts, and had his way with everyone else.
  • Despite his brutal betrayal of Sakina at the CL Retreat, Rob and Sakina were loyal to the end in this one.

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