Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Preview: The Doubleheader - August 27th, 2016

There's only one date during the calendar year when our league plays more than one Duel... and that's the DOUBLE HEADER!  Twice the insanity, twice the chance to win, twice the opportunity to have your dreams crushed.  This will also be the first time a Duel is played at Rob's new house.  No worries though, there will still be Tie-Fighter Ties, Kernel Detonators, and of course YODA SODA.

Two weeks ago the Duel at CL Training sparked a new wave of would-be victors to sign up and play at the Double Header.  Four folks will make their official debut while eight students will represent two-thirds of the Duelers at the table.  The times they are a changing!

But there's also BIG NEWS regarding the Double Header this year.  We have special surprise in store...but we won't share what that is until the proper time.  We want to "build" the suspense.


2014 - In the first game Alex took Darth Maul the distance on the Kamino Platform for the win.  In the second game he was the first one dead as Curtis won the very first time he ever played, using Yoda.

2015 - Ryan notched his second (and last) career victory with Jango Fett in game one.  Grant won his third career Duel with Yoda in the Emperor's Throne Room during the second game.


Brandon - the rookie from K-Not played the side game at the retreat and is ready to sit at the grown-up's table now.

Curtis - he's still in pain over his 9th and 10th place finishes at last year's Double Header.

Dalton - this is career game #2 for Big D, and he's hoping to improve upon his 11th place finish at CL Training.

Donald - another Dueling noob who is one of six North Village Duelers at the games.

Heidi - a saboteur in rookie clothing, she keenly observed the CL Training Duel and is ready to test her knowledge.

Ian - he used Mace at the last Duel to earn his first career victory and jumped all the way to third place in the Dueler rankings.

Joel - yet another rookie hoping to use his sense of humor and gregarious personality to go deep into the match.

Nathan - the 2015 champion navigated Han to a respectable 5th place finish at CL Training.

Rob - he hasn't won in almost a year but nearly made it with a 2nd place showing at the last Duel.

Ryan - the number one ranked Dueler needs to shake off the rust, he hasn't played since Duel of the Fates in April.

Stephen -  this professional with solid experience is looking for his first career victory.  He's got two shots at it.

Stevie - he hung tough at CL Training with Jango Fett but is surely looking for a more powerful character to play with.


Last year toy Jar Jar and Obi-Wan were our prognosticators, but this season we're switching it up...introducing General Ackbar!  Take it away, Fish Lips!

"You can see here the North Village Duelers orbiting Rob's house.
Although Dooku and Yoda are not yet operational, CL's do have a strong
defense mechanism.  They are protected by an energy shield which is
generated from the nearby duty phone on campus."

Uh...if I can decipher that correctly, it looks like Ackbar is picking Dooku and Yoda to do well...?

Who knows?  The only sure thing is that this Saturday, 6PM, the Dueling commences!!!

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