Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Preview: Rogue Won - December 15, 2016

In honor of the world premiere of Star Wars Rogue One, we're holding a Duel!  Because that's what you do, people.  And in an unusual move, we're playing on a weekday afternoon, in order to get to the movie on time.  That probably means we're doomed for a looooong match.


There is no history!  And there will never be another Rogue Won Duel again (unless there's a sequel). This is a once-in-a-lifetime Duel.  Boom.


So who is crazy enough to play a weekday Duel right before Christmas break?  Glad you asked...

Austin - the first person to ever finish last place with Darth Vader, but the winner of the side game at CL Training, Austin is finally making his second ever official appearance at a Duel.

Brannon - he's playing his fourth match but he's trying to reverse his trend of declining finishes, including eleventh place at Thanksdueling.

Curtis - if you've never seen Curtis before, he's the guy currently walking around the offices holding a three foot tall gold Darth Vader trophy after winning the 2016 Championship.

Daniel - he skipped out on the Championship for a "student group advising conflict," but the nasty rumor on the street is that he was ducking the competition!

Donald - this will be Ducky's fifth Duel, meaning he's one short from becoming a professional.  He finished seventh with Obi-Wan at Thanksdueling this year.

Ian - you can't teach Epic Duels heart, folks.  Ian changed up the work times for his student staff to get back on the board after a disappointing finish at the 2016 Championship.

JD - he's grateful for a shot at a happier 2016 ending after his brutal backstabbing on the Kamino Platform at the Championship.  JD will avenge that treachery!

Joel - it's great to have Joel back, who hasn't played since a disappointing eleventh place finish at the Fall Brawl back in September.

Jonathan - things didn't go well for Jonathan and Darth Maul at the Championship, but you can't deny how good he looks in his new professional status Dueler blazer.*

*there's no such thing as a professional status Dueler blazer, but now I think there SHOULD be...

Nathan - poor Nathan got sick just hours before the Championship, meaning he couldn't defend his 2015 title.  He skipped a trip to WVU just to play but ended up on the disabled list.

Rob - he got a Star Wars Lego advent calendar from his mommy this year, and he may or may not be playing with them every morning before he goes to work.  Also, he is 41 years old.

Stephen - he won two Duels this semester but he was unable to guide Emperor Palpatine to a strong finish at the Championship.  He is looking  for that to change this time around.


Hmm.  It looks like the author of the blog post might have forgotten to snap a pic with his magnetic Ackbar and is trying to pass off this random google search pic as the real deal...

Magnetic Lego Admiral Ackbar's prediction record:  1-5.

We'll be in North Village at 1PM on Thursday everyone - those who aren't playing are free to come by and cheer on the action!

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