Thursday, December 7, 2017

Preview: The Last Jedi Standing, December 14th, 2017

If you are newer to our Duels league you've learned we have 12 annual Duels (one for each major character) throughout the year.  However, we also like to celebrate special events with one-off Duels.  Surprise birthday Duels are a great example.  Another tradition we started last year was Dueling before a new movie.  Can we just take a moment and be thankful and excited that there are NEW MOVIES!!!???!!!

So, in honor of the Episode VIII - The Last Jedi - we are DUELING!  That's right, and we're calling it the "Last Jedi Standing."  Get it!?! 


Let's meet the Last Jedi Standing Duelers by the number of Porgs they deserve...

Andrew - Andrew is playing in his sixth Duel, so he's going professional.  Congrats Andrew!  That deserves six Porgs:

Austin - Austin just won the 2017 Championship for his first ever career win!  He gets one Porg for being #1:

Ben H. - Can you believe Ben's last two Duels were both with Han Solo?  Woof!  That deserves one Porg plus a Chewie:

Curtis - Poor Curtis.  After the Championship he's now without the Darth Vader trophy, or any other trophy for that matter.  He's quite sad.  Let's give him a lot of Porgs:

Jacob - Jacob will be playing in his third career Duel, but he's never finished above 11th.  Let's give him warrior Porgs to help him do better:

JD - Do you know JD has a deep yearning to be the first Dueler to ever win in our league with Luke Skywalker?  Let's improve his odds by giving him Luke and Porgs:

Joel - I was recently at an HRC event and saw Joel drinking hot chocolate.  True story.  He gets a Porg mug:

Kaleb - After a 7th place finish at the 2017 Championship he's still the number one ranked Dueler in the league.  That warms his heart.  He deserves a heart Porg:

Nathan - Man, it feels like forever since Nathan has Dueled with us.  He's back in action, so he gets all the returning Porgs.  And...BB-8's head?

Rob - This blog preview might be the goofiest Preview Rob's ever written.  He gets the silly Porgs:
Stephen - He only finished in 11th place at the 2017 Championship, but his move swooping in with Mace Windu was brave and honorable.  He deserves a flying Porg:

Toby - Toby plays crazy and you never know what you're going to get from him.  Lets just give him all the Porgs left:


"Just for once... let me... look on you
with my own plastic eyes."
Whoa!!!  The proud father is picking his son, Luke Skywalker, the LAST JEDI, to be...THE LAST JEDI STANDING!  It must be his destiny!

Pez Vader prediction record:  1-5

So next Thursday, December 14th at 1PM, we'll be playing in the North Village Community Center.  I'm going to stream The Force Awakens on the big screen at the same time.  Afterwards we'll grab a bite to eat and head to the 7:40PM showing of The Last Jedi at the AMC/Galaxy on Valley Mills.  Come on by and hang out if you aren't playing, or join us later at the theater.  Tickets are going fast!


Unknown said...

Does this mean I am the predicted winner based on Pez Vader's pick?!?! It ought to be known that I'm Pez Vader's only win this season.

Rob said...

First, congrats to you for leaving a comment. Second, just because you want to play with Luke doesn't mean you are Pez Vader's pick. Besides, the Luke you got with your Porgs is Old Man Luke, who is not featured in Epic Duels.

As always, Pez Vader is only betting on the character, not the Dueler controlling the character.

But Luke is totally gonna win this one. Money in the bank.