Monday, October 14, 2019

Preview: Fight Night - October 19, 2019

It's hard to believe it's already October, let alone half way through the month.  It's not hard to believe it's time for FIGHT NIGHT, because we play this Duel every year around this time!  So load up on candy corn, because it's time for tricks and treats...


2018 - JD won with Mace Windu in the Carbon Freezing Chamber

2017 - Joel won with the Darth Vader in the Emperor's Throne Room

2016 - Stephen won with Emperor Palpatine in the Geonosis Arena

2015 - Curtis won with Han Solo in the Emperor's Throne Room

2014 - Grant won with Darth Vader in the Emperor's Throne Room


One of our favorite Preview traditions occurs every Fight Night...for each Dueler we introduce, in honor of the pagan October holiday, we'll list their perfect Halloween costume!

Christopher - you have to love Christopher's tenacity, the amateur Dueler hasn't missed a battle since CL Training and hopes to turn professional in time for the 2019 Championship.  That determination makes him the perfect...Droideka!

Curtis - he missed the Fall Brawl but pulled down an impressive double-fifth place finish with Obi-Wan at the Doubleheader.  That makes him the perfect Red Five, AKA, X-Wing Luke Skywalker!

Ian - poor Ian suffered one of the fastest exits in Duels history at the Fall Brawl last month.  That expedited last place finish would be good for...Weequay!

JD - JD made a rare skip for a Duel to go see a Texas A&M football game.  What the what?  I don't even know him anymore!!!  His confusing priorities makes him the perfect...Tobias Beckett!

Jordan - he's only played two Duels, and in both Duels he got Anakin Skywalker for his character.  It doesn't get much easier than this...his perfect costume is Padawan Ani!

Kaleb - by three one-thousandths of a point, Kaleb is still in first place in our league!  He can't be topped!  That kind of dominance makes him an ideal...Emperor Palpatine!

Lucas - he had great early success at the Doubleheader but suffered an early exit at the Fall Brawl.  That's a hard lesson to learn for an amateur Dueler.  Perhaps his costume should be...Young Han Solo?

Nathan - the Hall of Famer is finally back in action this season, after surprising us all with a win at Galactic Credits this past Spring.  His welcome return makes him a good...Force Ghost Yoda!

Noah - this amateur is off to an awesome start in his Dueling career, finishing in third place in both of his Duels this Fall.  His natural talent makes him a strong...Poe Dameron!

Rob - the old man is on a nice run, with a first and second place finish after his last place in Doubleheader #1.  He's proven he'll do anything to win, making him a fine...Vice Admiral Holdo!

Sam - he's another new Dueler showing a strong commitment to the game.  He's also a constant source of jokes and humor.  He makes us laugh, which makes him a good...Salacious Crumb!

Troy - the winner of the 2019 Singles Tournament is making his second appearance in a 12-Way Duel.  If he plays like he did in the Singles Tourney beware!  His worthy costume is...General Grievous!


I still need a new remote controlled BB-8!  In the meantime, we'll keep using this jpeg.  Maybe that's better anyway, because BB-8 made the right pick last month!  Who does he like for Fight Night?

Anakin!  That's a bold choice given his sparse career victory totals.  BB-8 is 1-2 on the season.  We'll see if the droid is right...

Anyhoo - Saturday Night, FIGHT NIGHT, 7PM in the North Village Community Center.  See you there!!!

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