Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Preview: Rise of Skywalker Duel - December 19, 2019

Here we are - at the end of the Skywalker saga.  I can't believe it.  I grew up on the original trilogy, before George Lucas started tinkering with the films (HAN SHOT FIRST).  The prequels, though ultimately disappointing, were such an unexpected gift for fans of my age or older, because we never thought there would be a new Star Wars movie...let alone eight more (and counting)!  And TV shows!  And Boba Fett Christmas sweaters!

I don't really know how this will all end, but I expect to be crying like a baby when the credits roll.  Just over 24 hours's almost here!!!  But, before we cross that bridge...twelve of us have an additional date with destiny.  THE RISE OF SKYWALKER DUEL!!!


2018 - Let the Wookie Win (Han Solo movie) - Grant won with Count Dooku in the Geonosis Arena
2017 - The Last Jedi Standing - Curtis won with Luke Skywalker in the Geonosis Arena
2016 - Rogue Won - Rob won with Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Geonisis Arena you're saying there's a strong chance we play on Geonosis?


For our introductions, I'm going to assign a character to each Dueler from the new movie.

Alex C. - that shady Richard E. Grant character.

Ben H. - Chewbacca.  It's the beard.

Christopher - definite Finn vibes.

Curtis - Old man Lando for sure.

David M. - General Hux...if General Hux were good-natured.

Diego - that space horse on the Star Destroyer.

Jeremy - that weird little alien who makes C-3PO's eyes turn red.  Tech nerds each.

Jordan - Poe.  Overexcited pilot types.

Kaleb - The Knights of Ren.  All of them.

Lucas - The new green droid.  I don't know it's name yet.

Natalie - Rey.  Duh.

Rob - force ghost Yoda...I'm calling it!!!


Gosh, our favorite cash-grab droid is only 1-5 on the year.  BB-8, you have to feel good, though, this is your movie!!!  Who you got???

Bold choice!  The 11th ranked character.  Interesting.

Well, tomorrow two things will happen, and I'm not ready for either.  We're playing a Duel and Skywalker will rise.  God bless.

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