Monday, August 31, 2020

Doubleheader #2 - August 29, 2020


Kamino Platform

The first Duel of the day started at 1PM, with the second one scheduled for 7PM.  Rob figured that would give about a two hour cushion in between games to give folks a break from staring at their screens and time to eat (or grocery shopping in Lucas' case).


The first Duel didn't end until about 6:40, giving Rob about five minutes to reset the board and be ready to teach rookie Duncan the ropes!  That just isn't enough time, Duelers!  But because Rob loves you all so very much, he sacrificed a real meal to give the masses what they wanted:  MORE DUELING!

Rob remembered this time!

After giving Duncan a quick crash course (he had already studied the front desk copy of Epic Duels in North Village - YOU CAN'T TEACH HEART!!!), we were off and running again!  Six folks were playing their second Duel of the day while six came in fresh and rested.  

The Kamino Platform is an interesting battleground because the dark side start split apart from each other while the light side is congested on a narrow gangway.  Flipping can happen in several different spots, but we went through a cycle of turns with the sides knotted at six-six.  That's when Elliot's Darth Maul accepted an invite from Rylie's Han Solo to come to his senses and come over.  Seeing this, Hall of Famer Joel (another alum playing with us!), quickly moved his Dooku to the light side as well, and all of a sudden the dark side was in trouble.

It's Complicated

Miguel, finally playing somebody besides Darth Maul, got into trouble very early when Rylie's Han smoked his Mandalorian armor with the Bowcaster.  He survived, but he was seriously wounded.  That's when Ian's Emperor assumed the position of actual Emperor and began directing a defensive strategy to his foursome.  At the same time, he kept trying to persuade Elliot to flip back to his original tribe.  Elliot was conflicted.  He knew he should attack Hannah's Boba Fett, but she used a solid 1-2 punch of berating him and charming him into confusion on how to proceed.  

While this was all going down, Troy's Mace Windu rolled in a little too aggressively and started taking on major damage from the dark side, especially with the distance attacks of Ian and Delaney/Vader.  To counter the offensive and protect Mace, Ben's Anakin Wrathed to the back row to keep the pressure on Jango before Wrathing back out.  Meanwhile, Joel's Dooku continued to push forward behind Jango's ship to confront Delaney's Vader.  While Delaney managed to escape, she left a shooting lane open, exposing Jango.  She still had a Storm Trooper, though, plugging the backside pathway.

And that's when Hall of Famer Joel did something I've never seen in nearly 20 years of playing Star Wars Epic Duels:  he Force Pushed his own Super Battle Droid into attack position on Jango, and then delivered a five point attack to stun Miguel into last place.

It was one of the most brilliant moves anyone has ever seen in a Duel.  DON'T MESS WITH JOEL.

The chips fell somewhat quickly after that.  Elliot, still unable to bring himself to attack Hannah's vulnerable Boba Fett, instead flipped out and hit poor Troy!  Ben used Padme's Precise Shot to get rid of Maul, but the mortal wounds left behind on poor Mace were too much.  Delaney chucked a Throw Debris and Troy was out in tenth.  But!  In the first game of the Doubleheader, Troy reached professional status, so bravo to him!

The light side had broken through the dark side ranks at that point, and Ian's Emperor was the next target.  Padme pumped him with three attack points to end his night in ninth.  Delaney's Darth Vader was the next victim.  Lucas's used a six-point attack from his Obi-Wan Kenobi to end the evening of our recent CL Training Duel winner.

And then there were seven!

With only the original alliance, plus Hannah's Boba Fett still alive, it was Rob's turn.  His Yoda was full carded, but he was nowhere near the bounty hunter.  So with his roll he had to choose between Duncan's Luke (who pulled off a nifty I Will Night Fight You against Vader early in the game) or Lucas' Obi.  Rob figured folks would be down to remove the powerful Jedi from the game.

He thought wrong.

Despite being Force Lifted and Pushed into a kill box, Joel talked everyone into going after Rob's Yoda instead.  *gulp*  Lucas made the situation worse for Yoda by playing Force Balance, which emptied his Rebound.  Not long after Rylie's Han shot Yoda down in seventh.

The Pied Piper of Dueling

It was right about here three significant things happened.  1) Joel, through his verbal influencing, started dictating the game.  2) Rylie played Wookie Instincts...but never used the Bowcaster again, instead wielding the card in her hand as a threat to others.  3) Ben subtly moved away from everyone else to watch the chaos at a safe distance.

Joel called out Lucas' Obi, and despite a heroic defense, he finally bowed out in sixth.  Joel called out Duncan, who at that time was full health and still had Leia.  The rest of the board complied, and the rookie made a drastic exit from the game in fifth.  Duncan played great in his first Duel!  Let's hope we see him back out there in the future.

Once it got down to four, Rylie/Han and Hannah/Boba verbally committed to working together.  That made Ben's Anakin quite nervous, so he swooped in and put big, unexpected hits on Boba.  She couldn't hold out, so Hannah was done in fourth.  A major tip of the cap to Hannah!  She somehow survived her starting side collapsing and maneuvered into a career-best fourth place.

At this juncture both Joel/Dooku and Ben/Anakin were pleading for Rylie/Han to side with them against the other.  She was quite conflicted, as Enneagram 9's often are in that situation.  Ben made an unexpected move, though, when he double-Wrathed Chewbacca, eliminating the threat of the still unused Bowcaster.  Rylie was stunned and fuming.  Despite flip-flopping a few times (no shame in that, that's what shooters do in the final three!), she basically agreed to work more with Ben than Joel.  Ben was super weak, though, so Joel moved in with two Taunts...only to receive two points of damage from both of Anakin's Counter-Attacks!  Clutch!!!  Dooku and Ani were both just a couple of points from dead, so it was Riley's fully-healthy Han who would choose who would get second and third.  It took two attacks, but Joel and his non-stop mouth were done in third!  He put on an EPIC performance.  That's why he's a Hall of Famer.

Everyone, including Riley, assumed just an attack or two would finish off Ben's Anakin.  She fired at him twice, but he somehow had enough defense to cover it.  He then attacked her twice, and Han being Han, she took significant damage.  Still, with two more actions left, it seemed obvious Han had it in the bag.  Except...

...nobody told that to Anakin!  YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME.  After surviving yet another attack, Rylie was panicked and had to retreat!  But Ben rolled a huge number and moved in for two attacks.  The second card?  ANGER.  Han couldn't defend it, and seemingly out of nowhere, Ben won the game!!!  This is no disrespect for Rylie at all - she played Han beautifully - but this had to be the biggest comeback in final two history of the league.  Fully health Han vs. two points from dying Anakin.  That double-Wrath of Chewey turned out to be the difference maker.  If you see Rylie empathize with her because she did everything right and got second.  Brutal!

The final order of finish:

12.  Miguel/Jango
11.  Elliot/Maul
10.  Troy/Mace
9.  Ian/Emperor
8.  Delaney/Vader
7.  Rob/Yoda
6.  Lucas/Obi
5.  Duncan/Luke
4.  Hannah/Boba
3.  Joel/Dooku
2.  Rylie/Han
1.  Ben H./Anakin

Our next Duel will be the seventh annual FALL BRAWL.  We'll be playing online again, and right now the tentative date is September 19th, so block your schedules now.  Rob will send out an email for sign-ups later in September.

Before signing off, I wanted to acknowledge something.  I don't think anybody in the second game knew Ben was playing from his hometown, out of state.  His father passed away a short while ago and his family picked this weekend to lay him to rest.  I know he was looking forward to playing with us this night, I'm guessing as a small relief to such a hard day, and how amazing is it he could have a little victory in the middle of all this hardship.  I think that says a lot about the fun and camaraderie a community like our Duels league can provide others in times of need.  So be it in our residence halls or around friendly board games, don't forget how privileged we are to walk alongside others.  Ben - congrats on an epic win, and know we're here for you.  And that goes to everyone else - stay safe Duelers.  I love doing life with you.

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