Thursday, July 28, 2022

Preview: 7th Annual Singles Tournament - July 31, 2022


Friends - it's finally happening!  Our 7th Annual Singles Tournament is upon us.  We have 32 Duelers who have submitted draft orders, received four characters to play with, and been assigned match-ups in the brackets featured below!  Here are a few battles of interest...

Emperor's Throne Room Region:
All eyes will be on the father and daughter match-up as Grant's Darth Vader faces off against Jillian's Jango Fett.  Both of these Duelers reached the final four last summer...but now each of their paths are harder as they Duel in the first round!

Carbon Freezing Chamber Region:
We have a classic movie battle being brought to life by two summer conference assistants!  Alane's Mace Windu will go head to head against Evan's Emperor Palpatine!  Staff bragging rights are on the line...can rookie Alane overtake Evan?

Kamino Platform Region:
You have to love the random Kaleb and Alex of the Survivor Speaking Llama podcast must do battle against each other on the Duel board just like they do each week when covering Jeff Probst and the latest tribal councils!  Kaleb will be at a disadvantage with his Boba Fett against Alex's Count Dooku.

Geonosis Arena Region:
Perhaps no first round battle is as big as Jonathan's Obi-Wan Kenobi taking on Brannon's Emperor Palpatine!  Jonathan and Brannon are both previous winners of the Singles Tournament, and these are two of the best characters to play with.  This one will be...EPIC!

Here are the brackets - 32 Duelers, 128 entries, but just one eventual winner:

We're playing the Alexander Reading Room in the Honors Residential College.  Check-in starts at 1PM, tutoring for first time Duelers commences at 1:15, and we're off and running by 1:30!  If you're joining us, either as spectator or participant, please bring a snack to share!  Most of us will be done by dinner time, but the last couple of rounds will go longer.  Good luck to all - may the Force be with you!

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