Thursday, January 12, 2023

Preview: A New Hope - January 13, 2023


It's incredible to think the league officially started in the Fall of 2014...and now we're in the year 2023!  Good gravy that's a long time of Dueling in a galaxy far, far away!

The January Duel is appropriately titled "A New Hope," because it's that time of year to make resolutions to win trophies, chuck Thermal Detonators, and ask all your friends...are we good?


2022 - Duncan won with Emperor Palpatine in the Geonosis Arena
2021 - Rob won with Lando Calrissian on Arvala-7
2020 - Curtis won with Darth Maul in the Emperor's Throne Room
2019 - Joel won with Darth Maul in the Geonosis Arena
2018 - Ethan won with Anakin Skywalker on the Kamino Platform
2017 - Nathan won with Mace Windu in the Carbon Freezing Chamber
2016 - JD won with Anakin Skywalker in the Geonosis Arena
2015 - Rob won with Mace Windu in the Emperor's Throne Room


It's not uncommon for the blog to suggest New Year's resolutions for the January Duelers.  Here we go!

Andrew R. - his resolution turn pro!  And he will tomorrow!  That's right, A New Hope will be Andrew's sixth Duel.  He has officially reached professional status in the league!

Curtis - his resolution a Duel.  Curtis is a legend in the league, and after a scorching 2021 he went all of 2022 without a check in the win column.

Evan - his resolution is...bask in the glory of the 2022 Championship!  Evan put on a clinic with Count Dooku last month, winning his first ever Duel in spectacular fashion.

Ian - his resolution is...balance the trophy distribution in the central office.  Poor Ian had to listen to Rob talk a lot about his trophy shelf last year - he hopes to add to his by subtracting from Rob's.

JD M. - his resolution is...a return to glory.  JD would love to recapture the magic of his Fall 2021 debut by stringing together a win or two in addition to some top five finishes.

Julia - her resolution a Duel before her husband!  Julia is an old school, pre-league Dueler who would love nothing more than to have chief Dueler status in her household.

Michael B - his resolution a Duel before his wife!  He came awfully close at last year's Doubleheader.  The pressure is on to secure a win.

Michael T - his resolution his first Duel!  There's rumors coming in from the outer rim that a rogue Dueling league has formed in South Russell.  Michael T can neither confirm nor deny those rumors...

Parker - his resolution is...more top half finishes.  Parker has a couple of Duels to go before turning pro, and he'd love to get a top half finish like he did in the Fall Brawl.

Philip - his resolution his first Duel too!  He is another scoundrel checking into the game from the South Russell underground.

Riley B - his resolution is...character detox.  Riley has a fever, and the only prescription is more Duel decks!  He has printed off dozens of decks from across the interwebs.  

Rob - his resolution is...create a new board!  For a couple of years now the league has had 11 boards for 12 official Duels.  He has a nifty idea in play which will be revealed in May and bring balance to the Dueling Force!


Was I lazy just now and searched for a previously used picture instead of creating a new photo shoot for Poe?


Yes I was.  Poe is picking Boba.

We play A New Hope tomorrow - Friday, January 13th, at 7PM in the North Village Fine Arts Studio!  If you aren't playing feel free to come on and cheer on the madness!  We're playing the Ewok Village board, which is probably the prettiest one we use.  See you then!

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