Monday, September 2, 2024

Doubleheader #1 - September 1, 2024

Ewok Village

The 2024 Doubleheader Duels took place on a Sunday this year, something a bit out of the ordinary, but with a home football game and Labor Day weekend conspiring together, it just kind of made sense!  We had three new Duelers and handful of veterans to make for a good mix.  Ewok Village was the board, and folks were in awe of the design and esthetic.  

To the trees!

As is normal on the Ewok board, the big bridge became the tension point.  Cate, playing with Bo-Katan in her first-ever Duel, was eager to start blasting!  Joined by Michael's Leia and Wicket, they held the front of the bridge while Alex G.'s Boba Fett made way for Ian's Mother Koril and Kelnacca (possessed!), one of the new characters made their way for reinforcements.  But the dark side was shocked my lil' Wicket, who used a Surprise Attack to lay major damage.  Ian kept at it, but after attacking Leia twice, got shocked by 8 points of defensive damage from the two ...I Know cards!  Cate, playing with bloodlust, shot Ian off the board in last place!

Michael's commitment to the front line defense was noble, but the light side had a lot of sabers stuck on the back row.  By the time they had moved forward Leia was hurting.  Alex used a shot from Boba Fett to send Michael to the bacta tank in eleventh.  Two top ranked Duelers were gone just like that!

Michael and Cate strategizing.

Alex/Boba, who came into the game fresh off his CL Training debut victory, learned it's hard to win two games in a row the hard way.  He became the new target, despite Julia/Krennic's continued invitations for Cate to flip sides.  Curtis' Yoda Clone Troopers got the drop on him, eliminating their identical brother in tenth.

The view from above.

Julia tried to keep her side rallied, and managed to off Rob's Padme while she was at it.  She also wrecked everyone with Peace and Security, but when Jordann/Indara and Justin/Rey rolled in, there wasn't much left in her tank.  Justin dropped the hammer with The Last Jedi and a four point attack.  Julia outlasted her husband but not a ninth place finish.

Poker-faced James, also playing his first Duel, was dug in as Count Dooku at the base of the tree.  He was quickly surrounded by Rob/Anakin, Curtis/Yoda, Justin/Rey, and Jordann/Indara.  No matter how strong a Sith Dooku is, nobody can outlast that kind of a threat.  Jordann, piloting Indara's debut Duel, used a Mission Leader attack to park James in seventh.

Maybe we should play this board every month?

Mark, playing with Jango, was stuck in the back corner all game and didn't have a lot of options.  When Rob/Anakin and Sam/Beckett rolled in, his Jango managed to Rocket Retreat to the opposite corner.  His new spot on the board didn't last, though, and Cate pulled off a nifty Ariel Assault to end a fellow Mandalorian in seventh place.

Hand it to Cate, she wanted to get her money's worth in her first Duel!  It pained her not to drop at least one attack on each of her turns.  She didn't realize that the remaining sabers weren't too keen on leaving shooters on the board.  She was quickly surrounded but it would be fellow shooter Sam/Beckett who used Double Blasters on her in sixth place.  It was a great first Duel, Cate!

Rob/Anakin had tried to stick with Sam, but he was perceived as too passive, so when Jorann/Indara put the target on him, Rob followed suit by Wrathing Val.  Sam pulled off a slick Grappling Line/It's Been A Ride, Babe combo, though, jacking up Indara, Yoda, and Rey.  But Ani hit Beckett with Anger and Sam was gone in fifth.

That left the final four, and Curtis' Yoda was in the best shape card and health wise.  That led to Rob putting the target on him and Jordann/Indara and Justin/Rey agreeing.  Curtis went to the hidey-hole spot on the board and dug in like a tic on a bantha.  But even the little green Jedi Master couldn't hold out forever.  Just once again used The Last Jedi and Curtis exited late to his small group in fourth.

.5 selfies are not skibidi cringe

Jordann's Indara was hurt but couldn't heal because Torbin was still alive and kicking, so she and Ani/Rob formed an alliance against Justin's Rey.  Rob went in for a big attack, but Justin used The Force Awakens to heal Rey eight points.  He then used a Backflip to off Jordann!  Rob misremembered the direct damage of that card, and was in big trouble as Rey and Finn started lighting him up.  He managed to finally Wrath Finn but it was too little, too late.  Justin/Rey eliminated Rob in second.  Justin was his second-ever career Duel!!!  How about these new Duelers this year!??!?  The win also marked Rey's third career victory.

The final order of finish:

12.  Ian/Mother Koril
11.  Michael/Princess Leia
10.  Alex G./Boba Fett
9.  Julia/Orson Krennic
8.  James/Count Dooku
7.  Mark/Jango Fett
6.  Cate/Bo-Katan Kryze
5.  Sam/Tobias Beckett
4.  Curtis/Yoda
3.  Jordann/Indara
2.  Rob/Anakin Skywalker
1.  Justin/Rey

Congrats again, Justin!!!  You played great.  But this is just the first recap on the day...

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