Saturday, October 5, 2024

Fight Night - October 4, 2024

Naboo Reactor Pit

It's hard to even comprehend it's already October, and even harder to realize we're just one more Duel away from the 2024 Championship!  Fight Night is one of the last chances to secure a spot in the biggest Duel of the year.  Would somebody new punch their card for a chair at the December match??  #foreshadowing

Trick or treat!  (Probably tricks...)

Folks settled in at the table inside of the North Village Community Center (fun fact - this was the room we used for 2014-15 Dueling season!) and Rob explained the rules for the opening and closing laser walls of the Naboo Reactor Pit.  Rob/Jyn Erso and James/Boba Fett got stuck in the worst two starting spots, the small chamber between the reactor area and the rest of the hallway.  It took no time at all for Jordann/Ahsoka and Grant/Droidekas to start suggesting Jyn and Boba would be great targets for everyone else playing.  James lost Greedo but managed to Rocket Retreat to the back end of the hallway.  Rob wasn't as fortunate.  His Jyn Erso was the first character down thanks to Grant's Droidekas.  Rob went from first last month to last this month.  It always stings!

The next phase of the game took a LONG time - the Duelers huddled in the hallway trading shots with the other end of the board, navigating walls spontaneously opening and closing.  Alex G., playing Han and Chewy, secured his Bowcaster and popped Eric's Cad Bane.  But when the pit side of the board finally advanced, Han got caught too far forward.  Cate's Reva, who was out for blood in any form she could find it, landed the kill shot.  Alex is a real all-or-nothing Dueler, if he ain't first, he's (nearly) last!

Cate considering which alliance member she'll attack...

God bless Duelers like Cate, who keep the game moving with action.  Her alliance had to redirect her a lot, but she wasn't shy about playing cards.  Unfortunately, getting the hit on Han left her exposed to Han's alliance.  They attacked immediately, and Riley B.'s Orson Krennic played Hero of the Empire to knock her out in tenth.  That was a nice recovery by Riley, who had earlier suffered from an I Will Not Fight You from Mark's Luke Skywalker.

It looked like the hallway crew might actually tip the scales, but they ran into a bad string of untimely laser door closures.  That left Riley B. susceptible to the pit alliance.  Jonah's Sol crept in for the kill, using Noble Intentions.  Riley played great but was stuck with some bad luck.  He hopes to have better luck at the Championship!

The last stand.

Losing Krennic was a big blow for the hallway crew, but they had a glimmer of hope when Jordann/Ahsoka made her way down the hall to confront the remaining trio.  But yet again, the doors closed each time it looked like Jordann might be in danger.  Her alliance wisely concentrated their fire on Riley E.'s Bo-Katan.  She held out as long as she could, but Grant's Droidekas did her in in eighth.

James' Boba Fett had retreated to the back line hours ago, and was finally in position to unload with his stockpiled attack cards.  But Mark played ANOTHER I Will Not Fight You, which was brutal for James.  He held out a bit longer, but Jordann, totally vibing with her previous least favorite character Ahsoka, landed a five point attack to send James into the great big sarlacc in the sky.  

"You're third-partying, bro!"

With six to go it was clearly Sam S.'s Captain Phasma against everyone else.  Earlier in the game Sam scored a major coup when he used New Recruit against one of Grant's Droidekas!  Sam went on a thirty minute monologue, trying to talk and joke his way out of being the next target, and played an uncanny amount of well-timed defense cards, but it ultimately wasn't enough.  Jordann once again collected a trophy, and Sam was done in sixth.  It was no riz-factor ten.

Just before Sam went down, the alliance of five splintered when Eric, playing his first Duel (and playing very well!) and piloting Cad Bane, started shooting Grant's last Droideka.  That put the target on Eric, even though Jordann proposed a Brooks College final three at one point.  Eric proved the usefulness of Rocket Boots more than once, but he finally succumbed to his wounds, fittingly, from a Droideka attack.  That was a heck of a first Duel, Eric!  Come play again.  

The Three Amigos

With Cad Bane gone, there were four to go.  Jordann waffled a bit and wouldn't commit to a target, even though Mark had made an offer to work together.  That essentially left Mark/Luke Skywalker without an ally.  Everyone feared his fully healthy Luke and Leia, but those health points quickly evaporated.  Grant's Droideka blasted him off the board in fourth.  Not bad for a Dueler who had his appendix out just seven days earlier!

Jordann could feel her chance at victory slip through her fingers when Jonah/Sol decided to stay loyal to the damaged Droideka belonging to Grant.  Grant pulled a surprising volley of attacks on her, and it proved fatal.  The Droideka eventually got her out in third.  Jordann is playing so well right now!!  When will she finally ring the winner's bell??

It looked like Jonah was going to cruise to victory, especially with Grant's Droideka on his last row of health.  But the unrealized advantage of the double minor character Droidekas is that every card they draw can be used, and out of nowhere, Grant was blocking shots and whittling down Sol to his last few points of health!  Jonah got down to his last attack card while Grant was on his last point of health.  In a fateful decision, Grant used a three defense instead of his four, but Sol's attack was four points!  Jonah won his first Duel in just his fourth career game!!!  Congrats to Jonah!  This was only the second game for Sol - that's a great start for the character.  But also...way to go Grant!  My goodness, he was deft at rolling those Droidekas around the board and causing damage.

Put respect on Jonah's name!

The final order of finish:

12.  Rob/Jyn
11.  Alex G./Han
10.  Cate/Reva
9.  Riley B./Krennic
8.  Riley E./Bo-Katan
7.  James/Boba
6.  Sam S./Phasma
5.  Eric/Cad
4.  Mark/Luke
3.  Jordann/Ahsoka
2.  Grant D./Droidekas
1.  Jonah/Sol

Congrats again Jonah and Sol!!  Our November Duel - Thanksdueling! - is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, November 9, at 7PM.  Pencil it in now, Rob will send out the official invite in a few weeks.

October is crazy - enjoy the month of activities and mentally prepare for the November Duel.  Until then...PEW PEW!

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