Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Preview: Twin Sun Slam - June 15, 2019

Summer.  A hazy, lazy time of year.  Relaxing, sweating, grilling, getting sunsburned.  That's right, "suns," because in our summer months of the Duel league, you better coat yourself  in SPF 50 to prepare for the TWIN SUN SLAM.  It's a guaranteed scorcher.

Speaking of smoking hot...check out the paint job Ryan did on the league board characters!!!

He also cut them from their original bases and affixed them to these Star Wars Legion bases.  They look fantastic!  He even turned Luke back into a blonde, because blondes have more fun.  These updated avatars make their debut on Saturday.  They're incredible.


2018 Game #1 - Alex C. won with Jango Fett in the Carbon Freezing Chamber
2018 Game #2 - Grant won with Han Solo (#3) in the Geonosis Arena


Alex C. - the Twin Sun Slam marks the one-year anniversary of winning his first Duel, and now he sits atop of the leader board. 

Ben H. - Ben finished second place at May the 4th, and never had a clearer conscience.  He has nothing to lose in these two bonus Duels.

Chris W. - another Dueler cashing in on some free bonus Duels, he's hoping to walk away with a career-defining performance.

Courtney - the Hall of Famer is back in the mix for one more run at immortality.  She'd love to add another trophy to the family trophy case.

Curtis - the word on the street is that he's replaced his Duel's habit with Zelda on the Nintendo Switch.  We're all very worried about his Star Wars salvation.

Grant - his long reign atop of the rankings ended after a brutal May the 4th finish, but he's still one of only  two Duelers to secure a win at a Twin Sun Slam.

Ian - his recent finishes have been a real roller coaster, including a last place showing at May the 4th.  There's a rumor he went to Europe to train for this event.

JD - our resident blacksmith has gone back to the forge to produce two new travelling trophies for the Slam.  Let's just say these are the droids you're looking for...

Joel - the recent graduate plans to take a victory lap (or two) at the Twin Sun Slam.  He'll be relieved to know Riley won't be playing in this one.

Kaleb - he's loving life after a string of strong finishes, including first place at Duel of the Fates.  He also slipped into second place on the Dueler rankings.

Kat - another Dueler grad who is parlaying her summer employment as a means to Dueling glory.  She's due for her first victory.

Rob - he finished in last place for both Twin Sun Slam games last year, so every night this week he's been suffering night terrors and waking up in cold sweats.  #cupcakes

Food and socializing starts at 4:45 on Saturday, back-stabbing and killing around 5:45 and 9PM.  For those playing, we'll see you then!

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